Journal of Tea Science ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 758-770.doi: 10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2020.06.005
• Research Paper • Previous Articles Next Articles
CHEN Yuzhen1,2, WANG Feng1,2, WU Zhidan1,2, ZHANG Wenjin1,2, WENG Boqi3, YOU Zhiming1,2,*
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CHEN Yuzhen, WANG Feng, WU Zhidan, ZHANG Wenjin, WENG Boqi, YOU Zhiming. Effects of Chemical Fertilizer Reduction on Yield, Quality, Fertilizer Utilization Efficiency and Economic Benefit of Oolong Tea[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2020, 40(6): 758-770.
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