Journal of Tea Science ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 1-16.doi: 10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2023.01.001
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MA Yuanyuan1,2, CAO Qingqing1,2, GAO Yizhou1, LIU Yuyi1,2, DENG Sihan1, YIN Junfeng1, XU Yongquan1,*
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MA Yuanyuan, CAO Qingqing, GAO Yizhou, LIU Yuyi, DENG Sihan, YIN Junfeng, XU Yongquan. Research Progress on the Bitterness of Green Tea[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2023, 43(1): 1-16.
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