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Journal of Tea Science ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 1023-1036.doi: 10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2024.06.009

• Research Paper • Previous Articles    

An Empirical Study on the Increase in Purchase Intention of Novel-tea Beverage among Young Consumers: Based on the Perspective of Customer Perceived Value

YAN Pengxiang, PENG Kang, CHEN Fuqiao*, JIANG Renhua*   

  1. Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310008, China
  • Received:2024-08-06 Revised:2024-09-11 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2025-01-08

Abstract: In recent years, the novel-tea beverage industry has developed rapidly, becoming the third largest form of tea consumption after traditional loose-leaf tea and fast-moving bottled tea. The rapid expansion has intensified competition within the industry, making it crucial to increase customers’ purchase intention and frequency for the long-term healthy development of the industry. This study constructed an analytical model for enhancing the purchase intention of young consumers of novel-tea beverage from the perspective of customer perceived value. Though empirical research based on 1 900 consumer survey data points, the study examined the impact of product innovation, scene experience and brand exposure on customers’ purchase intention. The findings are as follows: (1) Product innovation, scene experience and brand exposure all positively influence customers’ purchase intention. (2) Functional value, experiential value and emotional value enhance the effects of product innovation, scene experience and brand exposure on purchase intention. (3) Product innovation, scene experience and brand exposure all positively affect purchase frequency, though there is some discerpancy between purchase intention and actual purchase behavior. Notably, product innovation plays a significant role in translating purchase intention into actual purchase behavior. Based on these conclusions, it is suggested that novel-tea beverage companies should highlight the uniqueness of product innovation, build interesting scene experiences, and link brand exposure emotions in their operations.

Key words: novel-tea beverage, purchase intention, customer perceived value, product innovation, scene experience, brand exposure

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