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Journal of Tea Science ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 503-512.

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Production of Bioactive Indole Alkaloids through Fermention of Eurotium cristatum from Fuzhuan Tea

LIU Liping1,2, TANG Yuwei1,2, WANG Ruoxian1, LI Zhibing1, LIU Zhonghua1,2,3, LIU Shuoqian1,2,3,*   

  1. 1. College of Horticulture and Hardening, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China,
    2. National Research Center of Engineering Technology for Utilization of Functional Ingredients from Botanicals, Changsha 410128, China,
    3. Key Lab of Tea Science, Ministry of Education, Changsha 410128, China
  • Received:2017-06-02 Revised:2017-06-19 Online:2017-10-25 Published:2019-08-23

Abstract: Eurotium cristatum is the dominant fungi in Funzhuan tea, which produces indole alkaloids that have many important bioactivities, such as antibacterial, antiallergic, antiradiation, antiultraviolet, antitumor effects. In order to improve the production of indole alkaloids by E. cristatum, we investigated the factors affecting reproduction, growth and the fermentation of E. cristatum. The fermentation products of E. cristatum were analyzed using thin-layer chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography-mass spectrum. The results showed that E. cristatum reproduced fast on Czapek-Dox solid medium with a large number of mature spores in 8 days, and the optimal growth conditions were obtained as following: pH 6.0, culture temperature 30℃, rotating speed 200 r·min-1 and culture time 6 days. Moreover, fresh tea leaf powder, fresh tea leaf extract, Funzhuan tea powder, Funzhuan tea extract and tryptophan obviously improved the biosynthesis of indole alkaloids, with the best enhancing effect of tryptophan. Furthermore, at least 10 compounds were observed in thin-layer chromatography, most of which were identified to be indole alkaloids by high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography-mass spectrum, with a yield up to 2.45 g·L-1. The present work provided technical support for utilization of E. cristatum in Fuzhuan tea.

Key words: Eurotium cristatum, fermentation condition, indole alkaloids, component analysis

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