Journal of Tea Science ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 575-586.doi: 10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2016.06.004
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PAN Jianyi1,2, HONG Suting3, ZHANG Youjiong4, ZHU Yuejin5, LIAO Wanyou6, HAN Wenyan1,*
CLC Number:
PAN Jianyi, HONG Suting, ZHANG Youjiong, ZHU Yuejin, LIAO Wanyou, HAN Wenyan. Characteristics of Sulphur Distribution in Tea Plant and the Effect of Sulphur Application on Tea Yield and Quality[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2016, 36(6): 575-586.
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