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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
Inscription of journal title: ZHU De
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Tea Science Society
Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
No. of issues: Bi-monthly
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    15 August 2009 Volume 29 Issue 4
    Effect of Interactions Between EGCG and Zn2+ on Energy Metabolism of PC-3 Cells
    SUN Shi-li, LING Cai-jin, YU Hai-ning, SHEN Sheng-rong, MIAO Ai-qing, PAN Shun-shun, PANG Shi, ZHUO Min, ZHAO Chao-yi
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  251-256.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.001
    Abstract ( 460 )   PDF (263KB) ( 246 )  
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    In the present work, the effect of treatments with EGCG, Zn2+ and EGCG+Zn2+ on inducing apoptosis and content of adenylate nucleotide (ATP, ADP and AMP) in PC-3 cells was investigated by chromatin staining with Hoechst 33258 and HPLC. Hoechst 33258 staining revealed the appearance of condensed chromatin and fragmented apoptotic nuclei under fluorescence microscopy at a concentration of 80 µmol/L EGCG, 80 µmol/L Zn2+ and 80 µmol/L EGCG+80 µmol/L Zn2+ in PC-3 cells. In the determination of adenylate nucleotide, after treated with EGCG, Zn2+ and EGCG+Zn2+, content of total adenylate nucleotide, EC and ATP/ADP value were significantly decreased in PC-3 cells, which demonstrated that EGCG and Zn2+ have a markedly inhibitory effect on energy metabolism of PC-3 cells.
    Theanine Effects on Sedative and Hypnosis Induced by Pentobarbital Sodium In ICR Mice
    YU Xi-chong, WU Bo-la, ZHU Tong-jun, YANG Wei
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  257-262.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.002
    Abstract ( 513 )   PDF (274KB) ( 403 )  
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    In the present study, the locomotor activities and disappearance of righting reflex on ICR mice were employed to evaluate effects of theanine on the sedative and hypnosis induced by pentobarbital sodium. Results showed that theanine alone decreased locomotor activity in dose-dependent manner and had no stimulant effect, 50% inhibition dose of locomotor activity was 0.8518 g/kg, low doses of theanine(≤1.0 g/kg) enhanced inhibition effect of locomotor activity induced by pentobarbital sodium(5 mg/kg), however, high dose (2.0 g/kg) of theanine reversed the inhibition, meanwhile, theanine enhanced hypnosis induced by pentobarbital sodium(25 mg/kg) in dose-dependent manner. It is concluded that theanine changed locomotor activity of mice induced by low dose of pentobarbital sodium(5 mg/kg) in dimensional change (“U” shape style), but not higher dose of pentobarbital sodium(25 mg/kg).
    Study on Anatomy, Actin Gene and Molecular Marker of Tea Cultivar Dayelong
    XU Ling-ling, ZHANG Mei-yun, LI Tong- jian, QIN Hong-xia, ZHAO Zhong-wei, FAN Qi-shui, LIAO Liang, ZHANG Da-ming
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  263-270.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.003
    Abstract ( 495 )   PDF (1061KB) ( 222 )  
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    Tea Cultivar Dayelong is a vegetative propagation cultivar of large-leaf and budless mutated from a stock plant of Ningzhou population. The paraffin section of mature leaves and buds of different period from Dayelong and its stock plant was investigated. Results showed that the palisade cell was rather long, the layers of spongy cell increased. Dayelong do not have a flower bud is due to all the buds always maintain the situation of vegetative bud. Three actin gene fragments (CS-ACT1, CS-ACT2, CS-ACT3) of tea plant were cloned for the first time. They encoding 225 amino acids. Dayelong, its stock plant and other 500 Actin squences obtained by BlastX analysis showed four amino acids of Dayelong are different from those of corresponding sites on conservative domains F, G and H. The Dayelong and its stock plant for AFLP analysis showed that the band numbers of Dayelong is fewer than the stock plant and has its own specific band. EST-SSR molecular markers technique was used to analyze Dayelong and other cultivars, the results showed that four cultivars of Xiushui including the Dayelong are similar to Longjing 43 in genetic basis.
    Genetic Diversity of 43 Tea Cultivars (Camellia sinensis(L.) O. Kuntze) by SSR Markers
    TAN Yue-ping, LI Juan, LIU Shuo-qian, YAN Chang-yu, CHEN Jin-hua
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  271-274.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.004
    Abstract ( 558 )   PDF (208KB) ( 365 )  
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    SSR molecular marker were used to analyze the genetic polymorphism of tea germplasm.These 37 pairs of primer were amplified with 43 tea cultivars, and their PCR products were visualized by 8% native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The polymorphic alleles were visualized from the PCR products amplified by 34 pairs of primer out of 37. The number of bands per primer pair ranged from 1 to 11 and the SSR fragment size of different SSR locus ranged from 150 to 350 bp. Based on the SSR results, the genetic distance and similarity coefficient were calculated using the Nei & Lei’s coefficient method by DPS software. The results showed that the coefficient genetic distance among 43 accessions ranged from 0.059 to 0.820 indicating the gene differentiation was very remarkable among tested cultivars. Based on the genetic distance and the UPGMA cluster, all the 43 accessions were clustered to 7 groups at the average genetic distance level.
    The Characteristic of Soil Fauna Community Structure in Tea Plantation
    SHEN Yan, ZHENG Zi-cheng, LI Ting-xuan, WU De-yong
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  275-281.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.005
    Abstract ( 480 )   PDF (199KB) ( 304 )  
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    The characteristics of soil fauna community structure of tea plantation and artificial plantation were studied. Soil macrofauna were picked up by hand in the fields. Mesofauna and microfauna were separated and collected from the soil samples by Baermann and Tullgren methods. The results showed that the soil fauna community structure is different between tea plantation and artificial plantation. The frequency and individuals of groups are dissimilitude. The Jaccard coefficients between the tea plantation and artificial plantation are 0.633, implying that soil fauna community structure of tea plantation and artificial plantation are different. However, the number of groups in the tea plantation is less than that in artificial plantation, but the proportions of dominant groups are much higher than those of the artificial plantation, the community is more single than that of the artificial plantation. The diversity index, individual richness index, individual evenness index and density community index of soil fauna community in the tea plantation are less than those in artificial plantation. Most of the groups, individual numbers, the diversity indexs are concentrated in the topsoil, and decreased with the increasing of soil depth under the litter layer both in the tea plantation and the artificial plantation. The ratio of Acarina and Collembola(A/C) in the tea plantation is higher than that in the artificial plantation, which is different from the other researches. The phenomenon is positively correlated with the litter quantity or a large number of Acarina in tea plantation.
    Studies on the Membrane Structure and Its Related Physiological Changes in the Tea Leaves with Fluorescent Green Spot Disease
    WANG Yue-hua, ZHANG Li-Xia, GUO Yan-kui, XIANG Qin-zeng, HUANG Xiao-qin
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  282-288.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.006
    Abstract ( 587 )   PDF (785KB) ( 218 )  
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    In order to probe the membrane structure and its related physiological changes in the tea leaves with fluorescent green spot disease, the diseased tea leaves were picked from the Fu Ding Da Bai tea plant cultivated in the nutritional solution with excessive calcium, and cellular membrane system was observed by transmission electron microcope, the electrolytic leakage, the contents of osmosis and the antioxidative enzyme activities of diseased tea leaves were determined. The results showed that the plasma membrane, chloroplast membrane, mitochondrion membrane, endoplasmic reticulum membrane and vacuole membrane in diseased tea leaves were damaged in different degree. With the extending of stress and the disease, the malondialdehyde (MDA) content and the electrolytic leakage increased, meanwhile the soluble sugar content, the soluble protein content and the free proline content increased rapidly in the diseased tea leaves. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) increased significantly at the initial stage of the diseased tea leaves, subsequently decreased, but their activities were higher than normal tea leaves. On the basis of above results, although the antioxidative enzyme activities were increased, it was incapable of reversing the damage of membrane system of the diseased tea leaves.
    Distribution and Dynamic Changes of Ice Nucleation Active Bacterial Population Inhabiting on Tea Plant in Shandong Province
    HUANG Xiao-qin, SHU Huai-rui, ZHANG Li-xia, SHAN Qiu-juan, CHEN Zong-mao
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  289-294.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.007
    Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (260KB) ( 431 )  
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    The species, distribution and the dynamic changes of Ice Nucleation-Active (INA) bacteria in tea garden of Shandong province were investigated by the authors. Results showed that there are two species of INA bacteria (Pantoea ananatis and Pantoea agglomerans) existed on tea plant of Shandong province. Among the isolated 22 strains of INA bacteria, No.8 and No.11 have the strongest ice nucleation activity. Different frequency and density of INA bacteria were showed in the different parts of tea plant. The density of the INA bacteria was highest on the tea bud, then the tender leaf and the old leaf successively. The different cultivars and different distributive location of tea plant will also influence the distribution of INA bacteria. Investigation showed that the density of INA bacteria isolated from the Qingdao region is higher than that in Tai-an region. Besides, it is easier to isolate the INA bacteria in the spring and autumn season with more rain and higher humidity than that in cold and dry winter season.
    Effects of Phosphorus Deficiency on Nutrient Absorption of Young Tea Bushes
    LIN Zheng-he, CHEN Li-song, CHEN Rong-bing, PENG Ai
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  295-300.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.008
    Abstract ( 512 )   PDF (243KB) ( 282 )  
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    :Vegetative propagated 10-month-old tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze cv. Huangguanyin] plants grown in pots containing sand were fertilized three times weekly for 17 weeks with nutrient solution at a phosphorus (P) concentration of 0, 40, 80, 160, 400 or 1 000 μmol/L. As P supply increased, root P content increased linearly, while stem and leaf P content increased in a curve shape. Over the range of P supply, the sequence of P content in the three organs is root P content > leaf P content > stem P content, especially in high P-treated plants. P deficiency decreased the P contents in roots, stems and leaves, but had little effects on the Ca content of roots, stems and leaves. P deficiency decreased root Mg content and increased stem Mg content, but showed insignificant effects on leaf Mg content. Leaves from P-deficient (0 μmol/L P) plants had slightly higher C content, lower N content and higher C/N ratio, whereas P supply had little effects on the contents of C and N and the ratio of C to N in roots and stems. In conclusion, P deficiency not only affects contents of nutrient elements in tea roots, stems and leaves, but also altered distribution of nutrient elements among roots, stems and leaves.
    Toxic Effects of Cr3+, Cr6+ on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Tea Plant
    TANG Qian, FENG De-jian, YANG Hua, WU Yong-sheng, TAN He-ping
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  301-308.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.009
    Abstract ( 625 )   PDF (398KB) ( 362 )  
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    The toxic effects of different concentrations of Cr3+ and Cr6+ on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of tea plant were studied in Hoagland solution culture. The results indicated that: with the increasing of Cr3+, Cr6+ concentrations, the symptoms of tea plant became obviously; the contents of chlorophyll and the ratio of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b reduced obviously, and there were obviously negative effects to net photosynthesis rate, intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration rate and stoma conductivity. Under the Cr3+ stress, the activities of SOD, POD and CAT increased at first and then decreased, under the Cr6+ stress, the activities of SOD and POD increased at first and then decreased too, but the activity of CAT decreased all the time. At the same time, the contents of MDA and proline (Pro), cytomembrane permeability increased obviously with the increasing of Cr3+, Cr6+ concentrations. Therefore, it highlighted that the Cr3+ and Cr6+ stresses could mangle the cytomembrane system, the structures and functions of the major organelles of tea plant, and the toxic effects of Cr6+ on tea plant was stronger than that of Cr3+.
    Effects of Wall-breaking Technology of Green Tea on Meat Quality and the Residual of Heavy Metal of Broilers
    GUO Fang, CHEN Yan-nan, ZHOU Yan-min, WANG Tian
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  309-312.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.010
    Abstract ( 390 )   PDF (239KB) ( 291 )  
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    Four hundred and eighty 1-day-old Arbor Acres chicks were randomly assigned to 5 treatment groups consisting of 8 replicates of 12 birds to study the effects of wall-breaking technology of green tea on meat quality and the residual of heavy metal of broiler. The birds were fed with basal diet supplemented with 0 (control group), 100、200、400 and 800 mg/kg wall-breaking green tea (0、10、20、40、80 mg/kg tea polyphenols). Result showed: (1) The supplement of wall-breaking technology of green tea in diet increased the pH value of breast, decreased dripping loss content of breast(P>0.05), the MDA content of breast decreased by 5.88%、5.88%、0.59%、11.76%(P>0.05), respectively. The vitamin E content of breast increased by 63.01%、0.34%、95.54%、3.08%, the vitamin E content of liver increased by 3.37%、55.03%、44.53% at 20、40、80 mg/kg treatments(P>0.05). (2) The broilers fed with wall-breaking green tea reduced the residual of lead and cadmium in liver of broilers, but all treatments had no significant effect on lead and cadmium content of broiler breast.
    Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Tea Polyphenols Adsorption onto Resins of Chitosan Microspheres
    LI Hai-yan, WANG Dsong-feng, Siaka. D, LIU Bing-jie, ZHANG Li
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  313-318.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.011
    Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (259KB) ( 624 )  
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    Resins of chitosan microspheres (RCM) were prepared by using reverse phase suspension cross-linked polymerization. Static sorption experiments were carried out to study the adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics of tea polyphenols on RCM. The results indicated that the adsorption followed the Langmuir isotherm .The Langmuir equilibrium constant Kb increased with increasing temperature. The adsorption was a non-spontaneous endothermic process of increased entropy by studying thermodynamics of adsorption. The adsorption followed second-order kinetic equation. The adsorption rate of tea polyphenols on RCM was controlled by the intraparticle diffusion during the adsorption process.
    A Review on Immobilization Matrix of Polyphenol Oxidase
    YUAN Xin-yue, JIANG He-yuan, ZHANG Jian-yong
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  319-324.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.012
    Abstract ( 558 )   PDF (176KB) ( 292 )  
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    Immobilized enzyme technology is the central part of enzyme engineering in current time. It has been well known that prolonging the half-life of enzyme, enhancing the stability, the reuse of enzyme and the separation of product and enzyme could be realized by this technology. Tea polyphenol oxidase is an important member of oxidases, it played an important role in tea-processing, tea refining processing and manufacture of tea beverage. The immobilized matrixs include inorganic-matrix, organic-matrix, complex-matrix and nano-matrix. The capability demand of immobilized enzyme matrixs, and various carriers applied to polyphenol oxidase immobilization were summarized in this paper. The nano-carrier with functional groups was regarded as the main matrixs of immobilized polyphenol oxidase in the future by the authors.
    Removal of Fluorine from Wastewater Using Tea
    BAI Mao-juan, GAN Ming-qiang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2009, 29(4):  325-328.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2009.4.013
    Abstract ( 514 )   PDF (176KB) ( 217 )  
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    Tea was modified by reagent, and the removal of fluorine from wastewater using modified tea was studied. The effect of pH, modified reagent concentration and dosage of modified tea on the removal rate of fluorine were investigated. Adsorption isotherm was established. The results showed that for 0.3 mol/L FeCl3 solution showed the best effect on the modification of a 100 mL fluorine solution (containing was 100.0 mg/L fluorine), the optimum pH value of 1.3 g modified tea in removing fluorine were 6.0. Moreover, it was showed that adsorption of fluorine for modified tea conformed to Freundlich adsorption isotherm.