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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
Inscription of journal title: ZHU De
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Tea Science Society
Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
No. of issues: Bi-monthly
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    15 June 2010 Volume 30 Issue 3
    Effect of Fluorine on the Growth of Eurotium Cristatum and Aspergillus Niger Fungi Isolated from Dark Tea
    GUAN Mei-ling, LIU Su-chun, HUANG Jian-an, LIU Zhong-hua, JIANG Jia-la
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  157-162.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.001
    Abstract ( 541 )   PDF (287KB) ( 528 )  
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    Six strains of Eurotium Cristatum fungi marked GF1~GF6 and a strain of Aspergillus niger fungi were isolated from several kinds of dark tea. Preliminary identification of the strains was done by morphology. For the purpose of revealing the influence of fluorine on the six strain of Eurotium Cristatum and one strain of Aspergillus Niger fungi, the growth inhibition rates, mycelial growth rates and mycelial biomass in the treatment of different dosages of fluorine were measured on the plate culture and liquid culture inoculated with single spore. The results showed that six strains of Eurotium Cristatum could grow in 2 000 mg/L fluorine, and Aspergillus niger strain could grow in 1 800 mg/L fluorine under plate culture condition. The growth inhibition rates of Eurotium Cristatum strains ranged from 0.76% to 10.24% while the Aspergillus niger was 35.71% under the dosage of 100 mg/L fluorine. The inhibition rate became higher as the dosage increased. However, the inhibition was more significant under liquid culture condition. The inhibition rate of mycelial biomass of strain GF3 and Aspergillus niger strain under the dosage of 100 mg/L were 34.47%, 80.59% respectively. Ascospore of Eurotium Cristatum and conidia of Aspergillus niger fungi showed more tolerant to fluorine. Also, Eurotium Cristatum strains were more tolerant to fluorine than Aspergillus niger strain both on plate culture and liquid culture.
    Determination of Scavenging Effect of Tea on Hydroxyl Radical by Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Method
    CAI Zhuo, JIANG Cai-ying, ZHAO Jing, MO Li-jun, ZHANG Xian, CHEN Qing-quan
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  163-166.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.002
    Abstract ( 521 )   PDF (190KB) ( 393 )  
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    A new chemiluminescence (CL) system was established by mixing methylene blue solution with Fe2+-H2O2 solution in acidic medium for the determination of scavenging effect of tea on hydroxyl radical. The CL intensity decreased when the extractives of tea were added to the reaction system, indicating that the hydroxyl free radicals(·OH)were scavenged partially in the solution. Based on this principle, a new method was developed to determine the scavenging effect of tea on hydroxyl radical, and the antioxidantive activities of 8 kinds of teas were determined. The results showed that green tea demonstrated the strongest antioxidantive activity.
    Study on Aroma Characteristics and Components of New-type Scented Tea
    SI Hui-qing, SHEN Qiang, PANG Xiao-li
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  167-172.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.003
    Abstract ( 452 )   PDF (277KB) ( 280 )  
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    To identify the aroma characteristics and components of new-type scented tea, sensory evaluation and supercritical CO2 extraction, together with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technology(GC-MS) are applied in the experiment to analyze and determine the components of the essential oil. The results showed that new-type scented tea has a rich aroma which is characterized by elegance, fragrance, lasting and harmony. While 121 peaks have been isolated and 103 compounds have been discovered, which account for 99.51% of the total components of the new-type scented tea. The major aroma constituents are Phthalic acid, diisobutyl ester(8.81%), Germacrene D-4-ol(6.28%), Heneicosane(3.58%), β-Linalool(3.39%), Hedycaryol(2.76%), Methyl jasmonate(2.31%), Cubenol(2.24%) and Eicosane(2.23%). Those compounds including 4-Methyl-trans-3-thiabicyclo[4.4.0]decane, Aristolene epoxide, 1-Chloro-octadecane, 3-Dodecyl-2,5-furandio-ne have been first time indentified from scented tea.
    Predatory Response of Penultimate-instar Xysticus ephippiatus Simon on 3-day-old Larval of Tea Loopers under Different Temperatures
    WANG Guo-chang, SUN Xiao-ling, DONG Wen-xia, CAI Xiao-ming, CHEN Zong-mao
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  173-176.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.004
    Abstract ( 596 )   PDF (185KB) ( 183 )  
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    Xysticus ephippiatus Simon is one of important predatory enemies in tea plantation. The predation of penultimate-instar X. ephippiatus on 3-day-old larval of tea loopers (late first- and early second-instar) Ectropis obliqua Prout was studied under different temperatures in order to investigate the control efficiency on the tea looper. The results showed that all the functional responses could be described with Holling II equation under the three different temperatures. At the same temperature, the predation capacity of X. ephippiatus on tea loopers increased with the increasing density of the prey. The maximal predation of female was 68 individuals/d at 25℃and 30℃. The maximal predation of male was 67 individuals/d at 30℃. When the temperature and the density of the prey were same, the predation was no difference between female and male. But the temperature could affect the predation.
    Variability of Soil Potassium in Low Mountain and Hilly Region at Different Scales and Its Mapping
    PAN Ming-an, ZHANG Xi-zhou, WANG Yong-dong, LI Ting-xuan
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  177-183.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.005
    Abstract ( 471 )   PDF (311KB) ( 195 )  
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    Taking Zhongfeng tea garden in low mountain and hilly region as an experiment site, Geostatistics and GIS were used to analyze the spatial variability of soil potassium, and also compared its spatial heterogeneity. Results showed that: (1) Under the mesoscale,available potassium and slowly available potassium coefficient of variation were 40.21% and 43.39%, belongs to the medium degree variation, and under the small scale, the coefficient of variation were 42.12% and 46.42%, also belongs to the medium degree variation. (2) Under the mesoscale, soil available potassium has the strong spatial relevance in 70° direction, but in 25°, 115° and 160°direction it has the medium degree relevance. Slowly available potassium has the medium spatial relevance in 113°direction, but in 68°, 158° and 203° direction it has the strong spatial relevance. Under the small scale, available potassium in 70° direction spatial variability was obviously, the variation is very small in other directions, slowly available potassium in 72° and 118° direction spatial variability was obvious. (3)Under the mesoscale, available potassium assumed the belt-shaped distribution in northwest to the southeast direction, and in the vertical direction with the altitude is extremely remarkable related, but slowly available potassium unobviously lelated in spatial distribution. Under the small scale, available potassium assumes the massive distribution, its whole tendency by northwest to eastwest direction increased, slow available potassium shows the same tendency as available potassium.
    Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Half-sib Tea Cultivars Related to Fuding Dabai and Yunnan Daye Using EST-SSR Markers
    YU Ji-zhong, HUANG Hai-tao, YAO Ming-zhe, YANG Ya-jun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  184-190.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.006
    Abstract ( 412 )   PDF (246KB) ( 337 )  
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    40 half-sib tea cultivars related to Fuding Dabai and Yunnan Daye were used to analyze the genetic diversity and relationship based on EST-SSR markers. Totally 99 alleles were amplified using the 28 pairs of EST-SSR primers, the number of alleles per primer ranged from 2 to 6, on average of 3.54. The polymorphism information content (PIC) varied from 0.13 to 0.79, on average of 0.59. The expected heterozygosity (He) varied from 0.08 to 0.84 and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged from 0.08 to 1.00, on average of 0.59 and 0.71, respectively. The Shannon index of the population was 1.14. The 40 half-sib tea cultivars were classified into 4 groups with the similarity coefficient at 0.55. The results showed that the genetic polymorphism of half-sib tea cultivars related to Fuding Dabai was more abundant than those of Yunnan Daye.
    Identification of Ice Nucleation Active Bacteria from Tea Plant in Shandong Province
    HUANG Xiao-qin, SHU Huai-rui, LIU Hui-xiang, ZHANG Li-xia, DING Ai-yun, CHEN Zong-mao
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  191-194.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.007
    Abstract ( 435 )   PDF (284KB) ( 289 )  
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    22 strains which possess ice nucleation activity were isolated from tea plant in Shandong province. According to morphological characteristics and 16 S rDNA sequence analysis, the ice nucleation bacteria from tea plant in Shandong province were preliminary identified as the genus Pantoea bacteria Pantoea ananatis and Pantoea agglomerans.
    Genetic Diversity and Population Structure among Green Tea and Oolong Tea Cultivars Based on EST-SSR Markers
    WU Xiao-mei, YAO Ming-zhe, MA Chun-lei, WANG Xin-chao, CHEN Liang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  195-202.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.008
    Abstract ( 424 )   PDF (387KB) ( 439 )  
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    The genetic diversity between 31 green tea cultivars and 37 Oolong tea cultivars were compared by using 26 EST-SSR markers. Results showed that number of alleles among green tea cultivars was same as that of Oolong tea cultivars except three loci amplified by primers 1036, ccmp6 and 788. Higher level of Nei’s gene diversity (H), polymorphic information contents (PIC) and average genetic distance (GD) were revealed among Oolong tea cultivars comparing to those of green tea cultivars. Based on mathematic simulation model, 68 tea cultivars were grouped into two populations, A and B. In population A, Oolong tea cultivars accounted for 67.9% of clustering samples, while in population B there had 71% of tested green tea cultivars were clustered. Whereas all tested cultivars were clustered into three populations according to Nei’s genetic distance. Oolong tea cultivars occupied 69.6% and 66.7% of clustering samples in populationⅠand Ⅱ, respectively, while 61.3% of tested green tea cultivars were clustered into population Ⅲ. These results showed that most of cultivars were clustered into the same population according to theirs processing suitability. However it is exceptive for a few of cultivars, which may be attributed to theirs improper categorization for processing suitability, geographic origin and genetic background.
    Development of the Fluorescent Quantitative PCR for Detection of EoNPV in Ectropis Oblique
    DU Jun-li, ZHANG Chuan-xi, XIAO Qiang, FU Jian-yu, YIN Kun-shan
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  203-207.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.009
    Abstract ( 537 )   PDF (291KB) ( 257 )  
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    A pair of primer was designed according to the Ectropis oblique nucleopolyhedrovirus (EoNPV) genome DNA sequence. Virus DNA was extracted from the tea looper larvae, Ectropis oblique which were infected with the EoNPV. The DNA fragment was amplified, then cloned into pMD18-T vector and transferred into E. coli TG1. A single clone was selected and sequenced, and the extracted recombinant plasmid DNA was used as a positive quantitative template to establish a standard curve. The standard curve showed a linear relationship between cycle threshold (CT) and template concentration ranging from 103~108 copies/µL with a correlation coefficient of 0.989, and the quantitative PCR was more repeatable and specific than traditional PCR. The fluorescent quantitative PCR method for detecting EoNPV was developed, providing a basis for the research of EoNPV replicating in the host body and quantitative detection of the EoNPV in biopesticide products.
    Influence of Pile-Fermentation Degree on the Antioxidative Activity of Pu-erh Tea in Vivo
    ZHANG Ling-zhi, CHEN Wei-xin, WANG Deng-liang, TAN Xin-dong, GUO Jian-ying
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  208-212.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.010
    Abstract ( 518 )   PDF (209KB) ( 258 )  
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    Antioxidative enzymes activity in the livers of the mice fed with the sun-dried green tea and the Pu-erh tea with different pile-fermentation degree were studied. Results were as follows: compared with the control group (basic feed group), the hydroxyl radical-scavenging activity, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) activity and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the livers of the mice fed with different tea samples were significantly increased(P<0.01), but decreased with the extents of pile-fermentation degree of Pu-erh tea increasing. This increase was the highest in the sun-dried green tea treatment. Of all the treatments, there was a significant negative correlation between the maleic dialdehyde (MDA) content and the SOD activity and the correlative coefficient was -0.942. The SOD activity was the highest while the MDA content was the lowest in the sun-dried green tea treatment (P<0.01). The MDA content of other treatments were highly decreased when compared with that of the control (P<0.01). Compared with the control, catalaes (CAT) activity were highly increased except that of the fourth pile-fermentation tea treatment (P<0.01). As to the total anti-oxidation capacity (T-AOC), it was significantly increased compared with that of the control (P<0.01), but decreased with the extents of pile-fermentation degree increasing. The sun-dried green tea treatment exhibited the strongest T-AOC (P<0.01). The study showed that the pile-fermentation process exerted significant effects on the antioxidative activity of Pu-erh tea.
    Research on Different Types of Tea to Reduce Hazards of Smoking
    LI xiao, LIU Feng-zhu, ZHANG Jun-song, LIANG Yong-lin, JIN Zhao-pu, JIN Zhi-fu, YAO Er-min
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  213-217.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.011
    Abstract ( 494 )   PDF (261KB) ( 262 )  
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    For the purpose of studing the different varieties of tea filter tip to reduce the hazards of smoking, different types of pretreated tea leaves were added into cigarette filter to make tea filter cigarettes, then sensory evaluation smoking was carried out and the tea whose aroma is coordinate with tobacco aroma was selected. Conventional ingredients of mainstream smoke of selected tea filter cigarettes was detected, then the chemical composition of mainstream smoke was analysed by GS-MS. Compared with the blank sample, different types of tea filter cigarettes showed the effect of lowering the content of nicotine and tar, among which the notable reduction rate is tippy tea filter tip, and the reduction rate of TPM, nicotine and tar was 14.35%, 10.47% and 14.66% respectively. Also these tippy tea filter cigarettes showed an obvious effect on the selective retention of the phenols of cocarcinogenie or carcinogenic existing in cigarette smoke, the reduction rate of o-phenylphenol and 2, 4-dimethyl-phenol is 90.4% and 84.9%. Aroma and mellowing smoke components were increased, increasing rate of furfural, solanone, megastigmatrienone, and limonene were 207.4%, 813.6%, 370% and 140.4% respectively. The results showed that tea filter tip can effectively reduce the harmful conponents in cigarette smoke and improve the tasting quality of cigarettes, and consistent with the development direction of Chinese-style cigarettes.
    Research on Anti-fatigue Effect of Fermented Pu-erh Tea
    ZHANG Dong-ying, HUANG Ye-wei, WANG Xiao-juan, SHAO Wan-fang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  218-222.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.012
    Abstract ( 458 )   PDF (254KB) ( 372 )  
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    The anti-fatigue effect of fermented pu-erh tea on mice was investigated. Kun-ming mice were selected and divided into 4 groups: blank control group was fed with 0.9% normal saline, low-dose group, middle-dose group and high-dose group were fed with 0.5 g/kg, 1.0 g/kg, and 2.0 g/kg of fermented Pu-erh tea respectively. In accordance with the body weight of the mice, different amounts of test sample were fed with. The mice were allowed to drink and eat freely. After 30 d, ten mice from each group were selected for the weight-loaded swimming test and recorded the exhaustive swimming time. For other mice, the blood lactic acid(BLA), blood urea nitrogen(BUN), the activity of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), muscle glycogen(MG) and liver glycogen(LG) were determined. Results showed: Comparing with blank control group, three groups of fermented Pu-erh tea showed a prolonged weight-loaded swimming time. The contents of BLA and BUN were reduced while the activity of LDH was increased. The contents of MG and LG were increased significantly. Among the three fermented Pu-erh tea groups, the high-dose group showed the best effect.
    Decreasing Effect of Polysaccharide in Anji White Tea on Blood Glucose in Tested Mice
    YU Shu-chi, SU Tao, YANG Jian-min, PENG Zhong, LIN Jing
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  223-228.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.013
    Abstract ( 447 )   PDF (247KB) ( 616 )  
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    Prepare mice model with diabetes caused by reducing adrenaline and with hyperglycemia caused by tetraoxypyrimidine, after lavaging normal mice, mice model with diabetes caused by reducing adrenaline and with hyperglycemia caused by tetraoxypyrimidine for 14 days with Anji white tea polysaccharide, their blood sugar level are tested to study the effect of Anji white tea polysaccharide on the blood glucose. The result shows that after 2 weeks, Anji white tea polysaccharide showed a very weak effect on the blood glucose level of normal mice. Different dose showed small difference compared with normal dose (P>0.05), it can distinctly reduce the blood glucose level of mice models with diabetes caused by reducing adrenalin, the different doses showed quite different effects on their blood glucose levels(P<0.01), and the effect of high dose is distinctly better than that of low dose. It can effectively reduce the blood glucose level of the mice with hyperglycemia caused by tetraoxypyrimidine. The fasting glucose of the 3 groups with different doses are quite different from that with tetraoxypyrimidine (P<0.01). The 3 kind of doses can all reduce the blood glucose level of the tested mice, with a better effect by a larger dose. Anji white tea polysaccharide showed an effective influence on reducing the sugar tolerance of the mice with diabetes mellitus and has reached the cure level of the NAEDs, but it doesn’t affect the BSL and sugar tolerance of normal mice.
    Design and Application of Automatic Production Line on Roasted Green Tea
    TAN Jun-feng, JIN Hua-qiang, HUANG Yue-jin, PENG Qun-hua, SHAO Qing, SHEN Xi, LIN Zhi
    Journal of Tea Science. 2010, 30(3):  229-234.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2010.03.014
    Abstract ( 472 )   PDF (281KB) ( 385 )  
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    Take the domestic tea processing machinery as the main body, a set of man-machine interface automatic processing line and the control system for the manufacture of roasted green tea was developed by the object-oriented multi-layer architecture technology “Delphi 7.0”. The objective of the automatic processing line characterized with accurate processing parameter control, the dynamic processing condition with real time display, the processing data with automatic saving and the automatic-control and hand-control can be free-cut. With the roasted green tea automatic processing platform, fixation, rolling and drying and so on were investigated, and a set of standard processing parameters were proposed initially.