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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
Inscription of journal title: ZHU De
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Tea Science Society
Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
No. of issues: Bi-monthly
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    25 September 2007 Volume 27 Issue 3
    Study on the Corpulent-reducing Function of Tea
    GONG Jin-yan, JIAO Mei, WU Xiao-qin, ZHANG Ying
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  179-184.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.014
    Abstract ( 754 )   PDF (398KB) ( 726 )  
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    Obesity may occur after long period of disorders in appetite and energy metabolism regulations. With the increasing of obesity incidence, searching for the high effective corpulent-reducing medicine became the common wish of research. Tea has been widely used as healthy drink for thousands of years, its function of corpulent-reducing has brought more and more attention all over the world. In this paper, researches of corpulent-reducing function of tea and its mechanism have been summarized.
    Study on the Impact of Caffeine and BSA on the Formation of TFDG by the Chemical Oxidation of EGCG and ECG
    ZHANG Jian-yong, JIANG He-yuan, JIANG Yong-wen
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  185-191.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.003
    Abstract ( 516 )   PDF (480KB) ( 232 )  
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    The impact of caffeine(CAF) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the formation of theaflavin-3,3’-digallate was compared and analyzed. The results on chemical oxidation showed that CAF and BSA had obvious inhibitory action on the formation of Theaflavin-3,3’-digallate. Under identical condition, BSA showed the same inhibitory action as CAF. When BSA and CAF were existing in the same chemical oxidation system, the complicated competition and cooperation were investigated.
    Effects of Tea Catechin Proportions & Physico-chemical Conditions on the Enzymatic Synthesis of Theaflavin
    WANG Kun-bo, LIU Zhong-hua, ZHAO Shu-juan, FU Dong-he, HUANG Jian-an
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  192-200.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.010
    Abstract ( 492 )   PDF (462KB) ( 276 )  
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    An in vitro model fermentation system, containing tea catechins and crude pear polyphenol oxidase from pear fruits has been used to determine the effect of tea catechin mixtures of different proportions & physico-chemical conditions on the formation of theaflavin. The optimum condition of theaflavins is 30℃ and The pH optima for theaflavin formation were 5.5. The tea catechins(EGC>200βmg/g, EGCG>200βmg/g, total catechins>500βmg/g) concentration is 5βmg/ml and the concentration of enzyme is 75βml/1β000βmg. pH and temperature in the model fermentation system are the most important factors (P<0.05).
    Evaluation on the Function and Toxicity of Extraction of Characteristic Components in Yunnan pu-erh Tea
    GONG Jia-shun, CHEN Wen-ping, ZHOU Hong-jie, DONG Zhao-jun, ZHANG Yi-fang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  201-210.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.011
    Abstract ( 613 )   PDF (2116KB) ( 466 )  
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    :The anti-fatigue, reduced cholesterol function, acute toxicity and the mutagenicity of extraction of characteristic components in Yunnan pu-erh tea were studied using mouse as experimental animals. It had significant function of anti-fatigue and reduced cholesterol for mouse, its effects was better than that of water extracts of pu-erh tea. The oral acute toxicity in mouse,Ames test,micronucleus test in bone narrow and chromosome abnormality test of characteristic components extraction in Yunnan pu-erh tea were also carried out.The oral LD50 value of this extraction in mouse was more than 10.0βg/kg.The number of relevant strain colonies had no remarkable increase in the Ames test with and without S9 mixture, and the relationship of dose-response was also not found. The micronucleus rates and chromosome abnormality rates at all range of doses had no significant difference compared with the control group. At the dose of 500~5β000βμg/ml, the characteristic components extraction could not cause the increase of mutagenic rate of CHL (Chinese Hamster Lung Fibroblast, CHL) cells. It suggested that the extraction of characteristic components in Yunnan pu-erh tea has no mutagenicity for mouse.
    Study on the Regulation of Blood Lipid by Fuzhuan Tea
    XIAO Wen-jun, REN Guo-pu, FU Dong-he, GONG Zhi-hua, XIAO Li-zheng, LIU Zhong-hua
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  211-214.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.012
    Abstract ( 427 )   PDF (399KB) ( 466 )  
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    The experiment of three different doses of instant Fuzhuan tea (0.085βg/kg·bw, 0.170βg/kg·bw and 0.510βg/kg·bw) Feed on the Wistar mouse for 30 days were conducted. The results showed that Fuzhuan tea had the effect of decreasing the body weight, TC, TG and increasing the HDL-C. The Fuzhuan tea beverage processed by the method of extracting the tea for 1 hour with the ratio of 1:1000 of tea to water. The beverage was drank by volunteers with the dose of 1β000βml/day for 34 days, the content of TC and TG in drinker decreased significantly, the content of LDL-C also decreased, and the content of HDL-C increased significantly. All the drinker felt fine, and their blood general index, blood sugar index and liver and kidney function all were normal. The beverage was stable for 90 days storage, all indexs were accord with the national hygeian standard. All results suggested Fuzhuan tea showed beneficial effect on the regulation of blood lipid.
    Study on Color and Shelf-life of Duck Thigh Meat by Adding Catechins
    ZENG Liang, HUANG Jian-an, TIAN Li-li, LIU Zhong-hua, LI Xing-hui
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  215-220.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.004
    Abstract ( 440 )   PDF (504KB) ( 193 )  
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    This paper determined the changing of color difference, MDA value, total antioxidant activity and the deposit of catechins in duck thigh meat by adding different catechins. The results showed that adding different catechins obviously changed the L* value of the duck thigh meat and adding different concentration of catechins had different relationship on the L*, a* and b* value respectively. Adding 500βmg/kg EGCg and catechin complex got the best color. Adding EGCg and catechin complex lowered the MDA and decreased the T-AOC which had relationship with the deposit of catechins. The best adding account of EGCg and catechin complex were 800βmg/kg or 1β000βmg/kg and 500βmg/kg or 1β000βmg/kg respectively. Catechin complex got the better efficiencies than EGCg in the all detected items.
    Study on the Hypolipidemic Effect of Flavones and Dihydromyricetin From Tengcha
    CHEN Yu-qiong, NI De-jiang, CHENG Qian, HUANG Hai-bo, MENG Yan, WU Mou-cheng
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  221-225.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.015
    Abstract ( 639 )   PDF (593KB) ( 619 )  
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    The effects of Tengcha flavones and dihydromyricetin(DMY) on hypolipidemic mice were investigated. The results showed, compared with the hyperlipidemia control group, DMY reduced the weights of mice significantly; Tengcha flavones and DMY decreased serum TC、TG、LDL-C、malondiadehyde(MDA) contents and Liver coefficient, increased HDL-C levels and the activities of SOD distinctly. The pathological observation on the liver tissue showed that Tencha flavones and DMY could lighten the denaturation liver cell. As results, Tengcha flavones and DMY could prevent hypolipidemia in mice and protect myocardial cells from oxidation and the liver harmful from of high lipid.
    The Effect of Elevated CO2 on Photosynthetic Rate and Growth of Tea(Camellia sinensis) Seedling in Greenhouse
    CHENG Hao, ZHOU Jian, LUAN Zheng, CHANG Jie, GE Ying, ZENG Jian-ming, ZHANG Xiao-fei, WANG Li-yuan
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  226-230.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.013
    Abstract ( 415 )   PDF (350KB) ( 170 )  
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    The effect of elevated CO2 on photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency and growth of tea seedlings in greenhouse was studied. The result showed the photosynthesis, water use efficiency and biomass accumulation were all increased remarkably when CO2 level was doubled. Especially, the photosynthetic rates of three tested cultivars were 71.4%, 96.2% and 88.2% higher than those under normal CO2 condition respectively. And in our experiment, elevated CO2 condition promoted the growth of seedling mainly through enhancing the accumulation of root biomass.
    Rapid Propagation of Tea Clonal Seedlings in Auto-controlled Greenhouse
    CHENG Hao, ZENG Jian-ming, ZHOU Jian, WANG Li-yuan, CHANG Jie, GE Ying, YUAN Hai-bo, GU Bao-jing, ZHANG Xiao-fei
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  231-235.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.009
    Abstract ( 507 )   PDF (408KB) ( 594 )  
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    The rapid propagation of tea clonal seedling was carried out in auto-controlled greenhouse. The result showed that when the technical route of tissue culture-direct rooting-greenhouse incubating was followed, the optimal initial explant was the third axillary bud of spring shoots, which possessed the best germination rate, proliferated 2.75 times in one incubation cycle, and 20% of the cultures could grow to more than 5βcm length every cycles. On the other hand, when the technical route of direct greenhouse cutting and incubation was followed, biannual proliferation could be achieved with one started in middle March and harvested after 5 months while the height of seedlings reached 20.4±8.3βcm, the transplant survival rate of these seedlings was close to 100% after they were proper conditioned. The other proliferation started at about Aug. to Sept., after about 6 month’s incubation, the height of those seedlings reached more than 20βcm after the rootage was established during winter. The increment of seedling height of those fertilized was 5.9 times as much as those unfertilized.
    Effect of Different Plucking Season on Aroma Constituents in Deep-Fermented Lingtoudancong Oolong Tea
    ZHANG Ling-yun, ZHANG Yan-zhong, YE Han-zhong
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  236-242.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.002
    Abstract ( 576 )   PDF (437KB) ( 345 )  
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    The effect of different plucking season on aroma constituents in Lingtoudancong Oolong tea was investigated by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis. Results showed that the tea which plucked in summer possessed more kinds of aroma constituents, higher total essential oil and lower concentration of flower aroma constituents. The tea plucked in spring and autumn possessed fewer kinds of aromatic constituents, lower amounts of essential oil, but with higher concentration of characteristic aroma constituents. The difference of characteristic aroma constituents expressed in the contents of linalool and linalool oxide in different plucking season. The tea plucked in autumn and spring seasons showed lower content of linalool and linalool oxide (50.98%~51.72%). However tea plucked in summer season showed a higher content of linalool oxide, cadinol and muurolene (more than 70.33%). The concentration of essential constituents such as α-citral, indole, jasmone and nerolidol are higher in autumn tea than those in other teas. The result of sensory evaluation showed that the sensory quality score of autumn tea is higher.
    Study on Inhibitation of Agrobacterium rhizogenes by Tea Catechin and Screening of Anti-polyphenol Strain
    MAO Qing-li, SHI Zhao-peng, LI Lin, LIU Zhong-hua, ZHU Qi
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  243-247.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.006
    Abstract ( 525 )   PDF (495KB) ( 370 )  
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    This paper investigated inhibition of Agrobacterium rhizogenes by tea catechin and screening of the anti-polyphenol strain.The results showed that the catechin (TC80), which MIC90 was 25~100 μg/ml, showed the obvious inhibition of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. This showed that the plenty of polyphenols in the tea plant was a key factor to restrict Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of tea plant. An anti-polyphenol strain R1000AP obtained by anti-polyphenol screening, which anti-polyphenol capability enhanced 10~40 times. The hairy root frequency induced by the strain increased by 46.5%(P<0.05)compared to the non-anti-polyphenol strain.
    Purification of Tea Polysaccharide and its Physicochemical Characteristics
    JIANG He-yuan, CHEN Xiao-qiang, KOU Xiao-hong, WANG Chuan-pi, CUI Hong-chun, JIANG Yong-wen
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  248-252.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.001
    Abstract ( 414 )   PDF (495KB) ( 267 )  
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    CTPS(Crude tea polysaccharide, CTPS) were extracted from coarse tea, CTPS were purified by DEAE-cellulose and Sephacryl S-300 column chromatography, there fractions of TPS were obtained, TPS2-H2O, TPS2-0.25 and TPS2-0.40. The contents of neutral saccharide of them were 41.23%, 29.33% and 21.39% respectively, and the contents of uronic acid, 19.5%,22.5% and 56.4%, and the contents of protein, not detected, 0.8% and not detected. By means of GC, the monosaccharide composition and its molar ratio of the polysaccharides were confirmed, and they are rhamnose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, glucose and galatose. Relative molecular mass and its mass ratio were determined using high performance gel permeation chromatography (HPGPC) with the ELSD detector.
    A Survey on the Trapping Effect of Four Types of Coloured Sticky Plates on Various Species of Insects in Tea Gardens
    XIANG Tai-hong, HAN Bao-yu, ZHOU Xiao-gui
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  253-258.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.005
    Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (394KB) ( 270 )  
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    In order to evaluate the entrapping effect of the bud green, the olive yellow-green, the jasmine yellow and the snow white sticky plates on various insects in tea gardens and to discuss the possibility for them to be applied in controlling the important pests, the luving tests, were conducted. In July when the various species of insects occurred in tea gardens, the plates were set in 0.5βhm2 tea gardens to trap the insects for 48βh, in the tea gardens of Chongqing Suburbs, in Songyang County of Zhejiang Province and in Magushan Tea Farm of Anhui Province, respectively. The results showed that the most of trapped insects belonged to Homoptera, in which the attracted amounts of harmful insects was abundant whilst the those of beneficial insects was much small, and the difference in both amounts reached the level of P<0.01. Bud green, olive yellow-green, jasmine yellow and snow white sticky plates showed much stronger trapping effect on nymphs and adults of tea green leafhoppers and adults of citrus spiny whiteflies than snow-white stiky plates. From bud green, olive yellow-green to jasmine yellow, green ingredient decreased whilst yellow ingredient increased, accordingly, the number of trapped leafhoppers decreased whilst the number of trapped whiteflies increased. It is proposed that bud green and jasmine yellow sticky plates could be used to trap the leafhoppers and the whiteflies, respectively.
    Analysis of Differential Gene Expression of Flower bud of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) by cDNA-AFLP
    YU Mei, JIANG Chang-jun, YE Ai-hua, WANG Zhao-xia, ZHU Lin, DENG Wei-wei, GAO Xuan, WAN Xiao-chun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  259-264.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.007
    Abstract ( 509 )  
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    For studies of differential gene expression, cDNA-AFLP was analyzed in tea plant at the stage of bud flower development. The result showed that there were evident differential expression in flower between the early stage and the late stage. Of the 1110 fragments inspected, 35 and 87 specially displayed in the early and late stages; 15 fragments were cloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis indicated that among 15 squenced fragments, nine were sequence-similar to proteins in GenBank, i.e. oxidoreductase, chromosome 13, 14-3-3 protein, Amyrel gene, calreticulin interacted protein, ATP sulfurylase, catalytic / iron ion binding, desiccation-related protein and ntp302, two were similar to hypothetical proteins, and no similar sequence were found in GenBank for the other 4 fragment.
    Effects of Tea Planting on the Yellow Soil Properties in Tea Garden
    PENG Ping, YANG Shui-ping, LI Pin-wu, HOU Yu-jia, HU Xiang, XU jin
    Journal of Tea Science. 2007, 27(3):  265-270.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2007.03.008
    Abstract ( 431 )   PDF (295KB) ( 280 )  
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    The investigation on two tea garden soils (continue planting tea for 30 and 50 years, respectively) and their neighboring natural soil in Yongchuan Experimental Tea Garden were conducted to characterize the effects of continue planting on physical, chemical and microbial changes of the soil properties. Results showed that the physical properties of tea garden soils, including bulk density, porosity, water-stable aggregate, water capacity, moisture and three-phase fraction, improved markedly and continuously along with planting ages of the tea garden. Besides, the cation exchangeable capacities (CEC) enlarged and soil acidification strengthened progressively (soil pH declined, exchangeable acidity increased). Investigation showed that the soil organic matter, available NPK and total NP increased in large scale after 30 years planting. However they had no more increase when planting time lengthened from 30 years to 50 years. Available Ca and Mg decreased steadily with planting years and available K also decreased slightly in the old tea garden soil. Total Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, As, Hg, Cr showed no accumulation or reduction in soil after 50 years planting, while available Mn, Cu, Zn increased and available Hg decreased significantly. The amount of bacteria, fungi and actinomyces rised significantly in planting soil of 30 years, but no further rised in planting soil of 50 years.