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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
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Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
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Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
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    15 February 2018 Volume 38 Issue 1
    Advances of Aluminum Tolerance and Accumulation in Tea Plant
    LI Yong, TANG Che, ZHAO Hua, NI Dejiang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  1-8.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.001
    Abstract ( 585 )   PDF (686KB) ( 498 )  
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    Acidification is identified in 30%-40% arable land worldwide. Furthermore, the soil acidity is gradually serious. Aluminum (Al) toxicity is a major limiting factor for plant growth and crop production in acid soils. The tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) exhibits good performance when exposed to a proper Al level, and accumulates high Al in the leaves without representative toxicity symptoms, such as growth inhibition of root tip, falling of the epidermis of root cap. Thus, tea plant is considered as an Al hyper accumulator. This review summarized the progress of Al accumulation, forms, subcellular location or distribution and its physiological responses of tea plant to Al. Additionally, the potential mechanisms and future researches related to Al tolerance or accumulation in tea plant were also discussed.
    Review on Aroma Change during Black Tea Processing
    LIU Fei, WANG Yun, ZHANG Ting, TANG Xiaobo, WANG Xiaoping, LI Chunhua
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  9-19.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.002
    Abstract ( 951 )   PDF (772KB) ( 1236 )  
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    Aroma, as an important character of black tea, influences the intuitive judgment of tea drinkers. Black tea got various scents by the volatile compounds from glycosides hydrolyzation, carotenoids and lipids degradation, Maillard reaction pathway, and caramelization reaction. This paper reviewed the influencing factors involved in aroma formation during black tea processing from fresh tea leaves, withering, rolling, fermentation, to drying. The prospects for future research trends of black tea aroma were also suggested.
    Metabolomics Application in the Study of Tea Quality Formation
    YU Xinlei, AI Yujie, QU Fengfeng, AI Zeyi, LIU Shuyuan, CHEN Yuqiong, NI Dejiang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  20-32.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.003
    Abstract ( 1086 )   PDF (795KB) ( 718 )  
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    Metabolomics, an important branch of systems biology, mainly study the changes of small molecule metabolites affected by the internal and external environments (gene or environmental changes). Metabolomics has been widely applied in the field of natural medicine development, botany, microbiology and food safety researches. The application of metabolomics in tea science has also been developed rapidly in recent years. In this article, the application of metabolomics in three major aspects of tea researches (growth and development, the quality formation during processing and the evaluation of tea function) was reviewed and discussed. We believed that metabolomics would play an irreplaceable role in the analysis of gene function, the regulation of metabolic network, the cultivation and the quality improvement in tea.
    Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Full Length cDNA of CsPAL3 Gene in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)
    TANG Xiuhua, ZHOU Zhe, TANG Qin, CHEN Jiajia, XIE Feng, HONG Yaoxin, HUANG Shilin, CHEN Zhidan, SUN Weijiang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  33-42.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.004
    Abstract ( 528 )   PDF (990KB) ( 212 )  
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    The phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) belongs to a multi-gene family. PAL is the first enzyme in the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway, which plays a key role in regulating flavonoid biosynthesis. The full length cDNA sequence of one phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (CsPAL) gene was obtained from purple tea cultivar Wuyi Qizhong C18 (Camellia sinensis) by rapid amplification of cDNA ends PCR(RACE-PCR) and named as CsPAL3 (GenBank accession no. KY865305). The full-length cDNA of CsPAL3 was 2β518βbp, with an ORF of 2β130βbp, which encodes a protein of 709 amino acids. Bioinformatics analysis showed it is a stable hydrophilic protein, with the predict with the predict molecular and theoretic isoelectric points of 77.40 kD and 6.26. Blast analysis indicated that CsPAL3 had the highest similarity (87%) with homologue gene in Mangifera indica,and had the closest genetic relationship with homologue gene in Paeonia lactiflora according to phylogenetic tree analysis. The total anthocyanin contents and the expression of CsPALa, CsPALc, CsPAL3 in the purple shoots of tea plants were significantly higher than the green and white tea plants. It suggests that the enhanced expression levels of CsPALa, CsPALc, CsPAL3 genes might promote the accumulation of anthocyanins, thereby lead to the purple color in tea plants.
    Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Fujian Tea Varieties by SCoT Markers
    LIN Weidong, CHEN Zhidan, SUN Weijiang, YANG Ruxing
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  43-57.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.005
    Abstract ( 568 )   PDF (1363KB) ( 414 )  
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    SCoT-PCR amplification system is constructed to analyze the tea resources in Fujian. Totally 16 polymorphic primers were screened from 38 SCoT primers to construct fingerprints of 55 tea cultivars (lines). A total of 219 bands were amplified from 55 materials, with 216 polymorphic bands. The average bands amplified by each primer and polymorphic ratio were 13.8 and 93.15%. The Genetic similarity (GS) of 55 tea resources ranged from 0.49 to 0.85, with an average of 0.67. The SCoT marker analysis showed that the observed number of alleles was 1.93 in these two tea groups. The effective number of alleles, Nei gene diversity, Shannon’s information index, genetic differentiation and the gene flow were 1.54, 0.32, 0.48, 0.067 and 7.01, respectively. When the genetic similarity coefficient was set to 0.64, the tea resources could be divided into two major categories.
    Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Construction of DNA Fingerprints of Chlorophyll-deficient Tea Cultivars by SSR Markers
    WANG Songlin, MA Chunlei, HUANG Danjuan, MA Jianqiang, JIN Jiqiang, YAO Mingzhe, CHEN Liang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  58-68.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.006
    Abstract ( 566 )   PDF (1115KB) ( 485 )  
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    To differentiate and identify different albino tea cultivars, sixty two SSR primers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 16 tea cultivars that exhibit the chlorina phenotype. The result showed that a total of 169 alleles were amplified by 55 SSR primers with good polymorphism, and the number of alleles per primer ranged from 2 to 5, with an average of 3.07. The average value of polymorphism information content (PIC) and Shannon’s information information index (I) was 0.40 and 0.79 respectively, which indicate these albino and yellow-leaf tea cultivars having a moderate level of diversity. And the occurrence frequency of 169 alleles ranged from 3.12% to 96.88%. It suggested the difference of genetic structure among tested varieties is obvious. The Nei's genetic distance (D) of sixteen tested cultivars ranged from 0.086 to 0.532. These cultivars could be divided into three categories when D was 0.18, and the cultivars with close relatives or similar geographical origin were clustered into one group. Lastly, three primers (TM156, TM508, MSG0380) with easy identification, good stability and high polymorphism, were finally chosen to establish the fingerprint. The 16 albino and yellow-leaf tea cultivars could be effectively distinguished by the primers. This study provided an important basis for the identification of albino tea cultivars, and the evaluation and utilization of these germplasm resources.
    Genetic Diversity Analysis of Tea Plant in Baiyingshan Mountain of Yunnan
    MAO Juan, JIANG Hongjian, LI Chongxing, MA Jianqiang, CHEN Liang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  69-77.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.007
    Abstract ( 500 )   PDF (1029KB) ( 373 )  
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    Tea germplasms including Camellia sinensis var. assamica, wild and semi-wild C. taliensis, and interspecific hybrid populations of the aforesaid species, are widely distributed in Baiyingshan Mountain of Yunnan Province. In this study, a core set of SSR markers were employed to assess the genetic diversity of tea germplasms derived from Baiyingshan Mountain. The results showed that a total of 202 alleles were detected, and the average number of allele (A) per SSR was 6.73, and 0.6135 for the average of expected heterozygosity (HE), –0.1745 for the mean of inbreed coefficient (Fis). The polymorphic information content (PIC) and gene diversity (H) were estimated to be 0.5652 and 0.6112 on average, respectively. The regression curves of genetic parameters influenced by population size showed that it could reach an optimized coverage of genetic diversity as the sample size was higher than 40. Investigation of the genetic diversity of tea germplasms in Baiyingshan Mountain was of vital importance for protection and utilization of these resources in the future.
    Screening, Identification and Fertilizer Efficiency of Potassium Bacterium from the Soils of Tea Garden in Shandong
    HAN Xiaoyang, ZHOU Bo, DONG Yuhui, ZHANG Lixia, HOU Jian, XIANG Qinzeng, HUANG Xiaoqin
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  78-86.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.008
    Abstract ( 500 )   PDF (477KB) ( 448 )  
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    The potassium bacterium suitable for soil environment in Shandong tea garden was screened to improve the transformation efficiency of soil potassium. By the experimental procedure of enrichment culture and microbial purification, 9 potassium bacterium strains were obtained from the soil of tea garden in Shandong Province. According to the activity comparison and taxonomy of strains, a strain with the highest activity was selected. The strain K2 was identified as Bacillus subtilis. Meanwhile, the effects of growth environment of the strains were measured. The results showed that the optimum pH and temperature for K2 were 6.0 and 35℃. It was suitable for K2 to ferment with maltose, starch and corn flour as the carbon source, and with yeast extract as the nitrogen source. After applying the bacteria agent, the contents of available potassium and phosphorus in tea garden soil increased by 28.40% and 28.49% respectively. Meanwhile the tea yield increased by 36.30%. The amino acid contents in tea were also significantly increased, and the polyphenols/amino acids decreased, which benefit tea quality. The K2 may be a high efficient potassium bacterium in tea garden soil, which can be used as a reference for further research on special microbial inoculum in tea garden.
    The Tea Brown Blight Disease Caused by Co-infection of Glomerella cingulata f. sp. camelliae and Botryosphaeria dothidea
    ZHANG Yongle, LIU Huixiang, XU Yongyu, HE Bangling, ZHENG Jinzhu
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  87-93.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.009
    Abstract ( 635 )   PDF (1038KB) ( 270 )  
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    A new leaf disease of tea plant was found in Donggang district of Rizhao, Shandong Province. The infected parts were shrunken and malformed, turned brown, necrotic and named brown blight of tea. Two microorganisms were isolated from the edge of infected parts through tissue separation, and named as RC4 and RC3. Their separation rates were 67.1% and 32.9% respectively. According to morphology, culture characteristics, multi- sequence analysis and Koch's Postulates test, Glomerella cingulata f. sp. camelliae and Botryosphaeria dothidea were found to be the cause of disease. This was the first report that Botryosphaeria dothidea damaged the leaves of tea plant.
    Screening and Application of Food Attractants for the Control of Aeolesthes induta Adults
    BIAN Lei, LYU Runqiang, SHAO Shengrong, CAI Xiaoming, CHEN Zongmao
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  94-101.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.010
    Abstract ( 453 )   PDF (756KB) ( 531 )  
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    The health and yield of tea trees will be seriously damaged by the longicorn beetle, Aeolesthes induta. In recently years, the effective control of A. induta in organic tea gardens had already been a serious problem. In this study, a suitable food attractant has been screened from sugar-acetic acid-ethanol, sugar and honey. The results showed that 20 times dilution of honey could attract longicorn beetles effectively, and the mean captures reached 60.3±15 per week during the outbreaks of A. induta. The number of trapped females was double that of males. Moreover, the application of this food attractant was studied. Pesticide addition was unnecessary for the food attractant combined with the water basin traps. The suitable hanging height of traps was parallel to or 30βcm above the tea canopy. Compared with the captures in the sunny days, the number of the trapped A. induta per day would drop more than 86 per cents in the rainy day. The screed honey food attractant had significant effects, low costs, and convenient usages, and should be an important technique for controlling and monitoring A. induta in tea gardens.
    The Mechanism of the Lipid-lowering Effect of Tea by Regulating the SREBP
    PAN Lianyun, LU Yan, GONG Yushun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2018, 38(1):  102-111.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2018.01.011
    Abstract ( 513 )   PDF (1101KB) ( 571 )  
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    Tea has a lipid-lowering effect through regulating lipid metabolism in different tissues and inhibiting digestion and absorption of lipid. The lipid metabolism pathway affects the synthesis and decomposition of lipid and fat decreasing through regulating the expression of Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Proteins (SREBPs) and its relative factors.