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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
Inscription of journal title: ZHU De
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
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Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
No. of issues: Bi-monthly
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    15 October 2012 Volume 32 Issue 5
    Researches on Tender Tea Shoots Identification under Natural Conditions
    WEI Jia-jia, CHEN Yong, JIN Xiao-jun, ZHENG Jia-qiang, SHI Yuan-zhi, ZHANG Hao
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  377-381.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.004
    Abstract ( 486 )   PDF (772KB) ( 531 )  
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    Identification of the tender tea shoots is the key step towards the intelligent tea harvesting. This paper presents several methods to recognize the tender tea shoots for high-quality tea production. Gray images were obtained by five color indices, which were R-B, I, b, S and Cb in RGB, YIQ, Lab, HSI and YCrCb color spaces. Then suitable threshold methods were applied to segment image, finally the median filter was used to eliminate noises. The results indicate that these methods were particularly effective for tender tea shoots identification under their natural conditions. The proposed method can be used for future intelligent tea harvest development.
    Research Progress in the Phytohormone of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)
    YUE Chuan, ZENG Jian-ming, ZHANG Zhi-fang, WANG Xin-chao, CAO Hong-li
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  382-392.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.009
    Abstract ( 610 )   PDF (748KB) ( 579 )  
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    Phytohormone plays a critical role in the plant growth and development. This article reviewed the plant hormone in modulating growth and development of tea plant under normal condition and under stress, the effect of hormones in tea tissue culture, and recent advance in the investigation of hormone was discussed. Consequently, it was regarded that the investigation on the regulation mechanism of phytohormone on the sprouting of tea bud and the resistance of tea plant to stress in the research will become the new hotspot after the tea plant genome being sequenced.
    Applications of Electric Penetration Graph (EPG) Technique in the Research of Resistance of Tea Plant to Piercing-sucking Insects
    JIN Shan, SUN Xiao-ling, CHEN Zong-mao, XIAO Bin, GAO Yu, BIAN Lei, LUO Zong-xiu, ZHANG Zheng-qun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  393-401.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.008
    Abstract ( 630 )   PDF (941KB) ( 300 )  
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    Piercing-sucking insects including green leafhopper are the important pest in tea industry. The special way of oviposition and damage of green leafhopper results in that the chemical pesticides were difficult to play their desired role. Tea cultivar resistance, as a part for pset management, gained much attentions and concerns. As the recorder of feeding behaviors of piercing-sucking insects, EPG technique was extensively involved in the cultivar resistance research. Firstly the characteristics of EPG technique were analyzed in present paper, and especially the applications of EPG in the investigation of relationship between the feeding behaviors of Piercing-sucking insects, and the resistance of tea plant to leafhopper were investigated. Furthermore, the paper recorded the feeding process and characteristics of green leafhopper based on the relative results.
    Study on the Composition and Stability of Soil Aggregates with Different Tea Plantation Age
    LIU Min-ying, ZHENG Zi-cheng, LI Ting-xuan
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  402-410.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.007
    Abstract ( 547 )   PDF (731KB) ( 368 )  
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    For the purpose of investigating the effect of tea plantation age on the soil aggregates composition and stability, the field data of tea planted area was collected and laboratory analysis was conducted. Results showed that: (1) In the dry and wet treatments dynamic changes were observed in the amount of soil aggregates with the change in clay diameter. It was found that the decreasing trend in the amounts of micro-aggregates was followed a decrease-increase-decrease trend with the decrease in clay diameter under dry treatment, and show a decrease-increase-decrease trend with the decrease in clay diameter under wet treatment. The amounts of micro-aggregates were decreased with the decrease of clay diameter. Results showed that there were no significant effects of tea plantation age on the soil micro-aggregates. (2) When the clay diameter was >5mm, it was found that the increasing trend in the amount of dry and water-stable aggregates was followed an increase decrease trend with the increase of planting time and the maximum value was found after 20~22 years of tea plantation age. At the same time <5mm of clay diameter displayed an opposite trend as compare to >5mm diameter. (3) The maximum value of MWD, GMD of dry-aggregates and water-stable aggregates were found at tea plantation age of 20~22, and the result is opposite for aggregate fractal dimension value (D value) of soil aggregates. The differences among GMD, MWD and aggregate fractal dimension were highly significant under different planting age, which indicated that the tea plantation age showed significant effect on the soil aggregate stability.
    The Gene Cloning and Expression Analysis of UFGT in Tea Plant [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze]
    WANG Xiao-fan, TIAN Yan-wei, WANG Yun-sheng, GAO Li-ping, XIA Tao
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  411-418.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.010
    Abstract ( 529 )   PDF (701KB) ( 530 )  
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    A glucosyltransferase gene UDP-flavonoid 3-O-glucosyl transferase was isolated from tea plant [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] and named CsUFGT. CsUFGT has 1526bp full length with open reading frame of 1380bp which encodes 459 amino acids. The corresponding protein CsUFGT, with predicted molecular mass 49.486kDa and predicted isoelectric point 5.96, shares 59% identity and 75% similarity with UFGT(P51094.2) in Vitis vinifer. CsUFGT includes a PSPG signal motif of typical plant glucosyltransferase. qRT-PCR analysis showed that the gene expressed in all tissues of tea plant [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze], and had high expression in the fourth leaf and low expression level in root and stem.
    Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Local Tea Landraces in Sichuan and Chongqing Revealed by EST-SSR Markers
    YAO Ming-zhe, MA Chun-lei, JIN Ji-qiang, MA Jian-qiang, CHEN Liang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  419-425.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.011
    Abstract ( 538 )   PDF (944KB) ( 185 )  
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    Ninety local tea landraces collected from Sichuan and Chongqing provinces were used to analyze genetic diversity and population structure based on 84 EST-SSR markers. A total of 275 alleles were amplified, with an average of 3.3 alleles and 0.33 of heterozygosity per locus. The mean gene diversity (H) and polymorphic information content (PIC) were estimated to be 0.462 and 0.407, respectively, among 90 tested accessions. The level of genetic diversity among local tea landraces in Chongqing was higher than that in Sichuan. And comparing to tea landraces from north part (Lat.≥N32°), the genetic diversity was significant higher in the southern part (Lat.<N30°) of Sichuan and Chongqing. Meanwhile, this study revealed that there was a significant difference between Sichuan and Chongqing populations according to clustering analysis based on either statistics model or Nei’ genetic distance. It indicated the origin and spread of local tea landraces might be different in Sichuan and Chongqing.
    Hybridization Technique for Tea Plant Lines with High EGCG Content
    TU Liang-jian, LIN Yong-song, HUANG Xue-min, WANG Dong, ZHENG Jin-gui
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  426-431.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.012
    Abstract ( 548 )   PDF (626KB) ( 202 )  
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    New tea plant germplasm with high EGCG content was used as hybrid parents. The artificial hybridization pollination technique of “cutting petals and thrum shown, cutting thrum and emasculation” was used, and the 1619 tea plants new germplasm are obtained. Meanwhile, the results showed: the new hybridization pollination technique showed a high seed setting rate (an average of 28.28%±16.26%, up to 46.34%) and easy operation, cross-breeding goals can be successfully achieved, and the problem of low hybrid seedling rate could be overcomed. Hybrid parental combination had the greatest effect on seed setting rate, followed by anthracnose infection rate and seedling rate of hybrid seedlings, while relatively small effect on plump seed rate and fruit seed number.
    Effects of Bamboo Vinegar Cold-Resistant Agents on Cold Tolerance of Tea Plant
    HUANG Wei-feng, SHANG Han-wu, GAO Yong-sheng, HU Jian-guang, YU Qiu-zhu, WANG Dao-ze
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  432-440.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.013
    Abstract ( 569 )   PDF (1369KB) ( 157 )  
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    Based on the bamboo vinegar, different cold-resistance agents of tea plants were formulated. Through simulating the natural air cooling, the biochemical and physiological indexes related to the ability of cold-resistance were determined after spraying six kinds of cold-resistance agents on three tea cultivars (Wuniuzao, Anji white tea and Longjing 43). The results showed a remarkable correlation between the change of the electric conductivity, soluble protein content, proline content and the cold-resistance in three tea cultivars. Furthermore, the physiological indexes of tea plants in lab and field trial were measured. Formulation B2 could obviously increase the cold-resistance of the tea plants, and maintain the yield of tea plant under cold stress. The results revealed that bamboo vinegar cold-resistant agents could enhance the cold-resistance of tea plant in some extent, reduce the freezing injury of tea plant, and prevent the tea from the reduction of yield caused by spring cold.
    Study on the Reaction Condition of EGCG Methylated Derivatives Produced from EGCG Catalyzed by EGCG-O-Methyltransferase
    LV Hai-peng, FEI Dong-mei, ZHANG Yue, LIN Zhi, PENG Qun-hua, GUO Li, TAN Jun-feng
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  441-447.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.001
    Abstract ( 526 )   PDF (566KB) ( 377 )  
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    Taken the yields of EGCG3"Me, EGCG4′′Me and EGCG3′Me as the main index, the investigation on the reaction condition of EGCG methylated derivatives produced from EGCG catalyzed by EGCG-O-Methyltransferase were conducted. Results showed that the optimum reaction condition was as follows: the concentration of DTT and Mg2+ was 2mmol/L, the initial pH was 7.5 and the reaction temperature was 35℃. Under the above conditions, the yields of EGCG3"Me, EGCG4′′Me and EGCG3′Me could reach 386.39μg/mL, 23.40μg/mL and 107.01μg/mL, respectively.
    Study and Identification on the Aroma Components of the Representative Products of Yingde Black Tea in Guangdong
    WANG Qiu-shuang, WU Hua-ling, CHEN Dong, XU Yong-quan, YIN Jun-feng, Huang Guo-zi
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  448-456.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.002
    Abstract ( 592 )   PDF (691KB) ( 399 )  
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    In the purpose of clarifying the aroma material base different from other black tea in Guangdong Yingde black tea, the determination of main aroma components was conducted, the headspace solid-phase micro-extraction method and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to determine the aroma compounds in Yingde congou black tea-9, Yingde congou black tea-1 and Yingde colony black tea produced in Guangdong province, the Yunnan black tea, Indian Assam black tea and Sri Lanka UVA black tea as the control. The result showed that more than 50 aroma compounds were identified including alcohol, ester, aldehyde, ketones, alkene, hydrocarbon and etc., among which the alcohol was the most important compounds accounting for 67.03% and ester and aldehyde were next to it, accounting for 12.85% and 11.33%. Linalool, methl salicylate, linalool oxide, Nerol and nonanal were the five most important compounds, representing more than 60% of the total aroma. Flower-like and sweet aroma compounds were the main aroma character in Guangdong Yingde black tea.
    Anti-hypertension Effect of Pu-erh Tea Extract on Spontaneous Hypertension Rats
    LI Xin-xin, MO Hong-mei, MA Xiao-hui, LI Chang-wen
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  457-460.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.005
    Abstract ( 754 )   PDF (488KB) ( 186 )  
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    To explore the anti-hypertension effect of Pu-erh tea extract on SHR. Pu-erh tea extract was administered to SHR for 4 weeks with 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0g/kg doses. The blood pressure and heart rate of animals were measured once every week, and the body weight was also measured weekly in the research. Results showed that the mean blood pressure, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure of spontaneous hypertension rats were significantly reduced in the treatment with 1.0g/kg and 2.0g/kg Pu-erh tea extract, compared with that of model group(P<0.01). The body weight of animal in 2.0g/kg Pu-erh tea extract group was lower when compared with model group, but the heart rate of this group was higher than model group. The heart rate and the increase of body weight of tested animal in the other dose group were non-significantly difference. Conclusions: The Pu-erh tea extract shows dose-dependent antihypertensive effect in spontaneous hypertension rats.
    Anti-hypertensive Activity of Superfine GABA Green Tea Powder
    TAN Jun-feng, LIN Zhi, PENG Qun-hua, GUO Li, LV Hai-peng
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  461-464.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.003
    Abstract ( 699 )   PDF (513KB) ( 190 )  
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    According to “inspection and evaluation of health food (2003 edition)”, the anti-hypertensive activity of GABA green tea powder was evaluated. Animal experiments with low, medium, high dosage group were 0.83g/kg, 1.67g/kg and 5.00g/kg, the equivalent of human recommended doses of 5, 10, 30 times. A hypertension model group and normal control group and high dose animals group were set. The animals were orally feed with the green tea powder for 30 days. The experimental results showed that the high dose group (5g/kg) of SHR(Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat) rats blood pressure at the second week began lower than that of model group, and the difference is significant, and each animal group’s heart rate had no significant difference, and the samples have no effect on blood pressure and heart rate in normal animals. In our experimental conditions, the GABA green tea powder showed anti-hypertensive activity.
    Effect of Pu-erh Tea on the Anti-anoxia Ability in Mice
    ZHANG Hui, XIAO Rong, HOU Yan, MU Ying-chao, LI Dong
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(5):  465-470.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.05.006
    Abstract ( 609 )   PDF (564KB) ( 228 )  
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    In this study, two representative tea samples (Fermented Pu-erh and Unfermented Pu-erh), which from different main producing areas, were employed to carry out the hypoxia tolerance experiment, survival experiment of sodium nitrite poisoning and acute cerebral ischemia hypoxia experiment. Results showed: the Fermented Pu-erh, at the medium dose group (1.5g/kg), could significantly prolong the mice survival time under close hypoxia conditions, compared to the control group, the prolongation rate is 12.45% in the hypoxia tolerance experiment. The survival time of all test groups were lower than the control group in the survival experiment of sodium nitrite poisoning and in acute cerebral ischemia hypoxia experiment, respectively. Totally, Fermented Pu-erh and Unfermented Pu-erh may have no anti-anoxia ability.