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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
Inscription of journal title: ZHU De
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Tea Science Society
Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
No. of issues: Bi-monthly
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    25 September 2004 Volume 24 Issue 3
    Aluminum in Tea Infusions–Concentration, Form and Bioavailability
    LUO Ming-biao, LIU Yan, ZHANG Guo-qing, ZHANG Hong-yan
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  153-158.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.002
    Abstract ( 492 )   PDF (46KB) ( 322 )  
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    Tea is one of the typical Al-accumulating plants. Tea infusion is a widely consumed beverage, so tea drinking is the major source of dietary Al intake. This paper reviews published studies on the concentration, form and bioavailability of Al in tea infusion. In general, the total concentration of Al in tea infusions is in the range 1~6βmg/L, probably more than 90% of this Al is organic form. The distribution of Al form in infusion is changeable with time. Investigations indicated that the main forms existed in tea infusion included polyphenolic complexes, Al oxalate, Al fluoride, Al3+ and its hydrolysate etc. Tea drinking could moderately increase the Al excretion in urine, however, it does not seem that the Al present in tea is much more bioavailable than that from other dietary sources. At the same time, it also cannot be dismissed that tea infusions may contain particularly some bioavailable and neurotoxic compounds such as Al maltolate.
    Studies on the Competitive Capacity and Tactics of Chinese Tea on the Overseas Market with SWOT Method
    JIANG Han-chun, WANG Xiao-gu, ZHAO Hong-ying, JIANG Su-han
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  159-165.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.003
    Abstract ( 706 )   PDF (46KB) ( 563 )  
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    Tea export plays a key role in Chinese tea economy. Tea has always the significance industrial value in both domestic and international markets. The export advantages and the weaknesses of Chinese tea, the opportunities and threats we are facing were analyzed by comparative principle on economy and SWOT method in this paper. The status and competitive capacity of Chinese tea in international tea markets was enunciated .The green tea and the special kinds of tea possessed competitive advantages must be developed in our country, the green marketing will be practiced, the criteria of domestic tea business will be in accordance with that of overseas ,moreover, the marketing of tea export must be unified.
    Effect of Exogenous Methyl Jasmonate-induced Tea Volatiles on Host-selection Behavior of Insects
    GUI Lian-you, CHEN Zong-mao, LIU Shu-sheng
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  166-171.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.004
    Abstract ( 504 )   PDF (46KB) ( 300 )  
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    The effects of volatiles from tea plants induced by exogenous methyl jasmonate (MJA) spraying or MJA-exposure on host-selection behavior of the parasitoid Apanteles sp. and the geometrid Ectropis obliqua as well as the percentage of E. obliqua caterpillars parasitized by Apanteles sp. under field condition were studied. Tea volatile organic compounds (VOC) induced by exogenous MJA-spraying or MJA-exposure exhibited a significant increase of attractiveness to female adults of Apanteles sp., but not to female adults of E. obliqua; and also significantly increased the percentage of E. obliqua caterpillars parasitized by Apantele sp in field condition.
    Establishment of ISSR-PCR Reaction Conditions in Tea Plant
    YAO Ming-zhe, WANG Xin-chao, CHEN Liang, YANG Ya-jun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  172-176.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.005
    Abstract ( 618 )   PDF (156KB) ( 296 )  
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    The optimal ISSR-PCR reaction conditions in tea was established by studying the main parameters. Results showed that the optimum concentration of five important components i.e. template DNA, primer, Mg++, dNTP, Taq DNA polymerase in 20βµl reaction mixture was 10ng, 150βnmol/L, 1.5βmmol/L, 150βµmol/L, 0.5βU, respectively. The appropriate annealing temperature was average 4.5℃ higher than Tm of corresponding primer, and at least 30 PCR cycles should be carried out to ensure sufficient PCR products. ISSR polymorphism between thirteen tea germplasm was 77.6%, and 12 out of 13 tea germplasm could be identified by ISSR fingerprinter established with primer TRI18.
    Effect of Cold Acclimation and ABA on Cold Hardiness, Contents of Proline in Tea Plants
    YANG Ya-jun, ZHEN Lei-ying, WANG Xin-chao
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  177-182.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.006
    Abstract ( 618 )   PDF (158KB) ( 386 )  
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    Effect of cold acclimation and ABA on cold hardiness resistance, contents of proline in tea plants was studied. The results showed that through cold acclimation and ABA treatment, the cold hardiness of tea plants was changed greatly during the process of acclimation to deacclimation, showing a trend from low to high then to low again. And ascertain 7℃and 9℃are the crucial temperature to finish acclimation or start declimation respectively.On the other hand, it can be concluded that the rising degree of cold hardiness resistance was lower during artificial or ABA treatment than that of natural cold acclimation. At the same time, changes of Proline content weren’t regular,the relationship between proline content and cold hardiness resistance was insignificant. It implied that changes of proline content during cold acclimation were an integrative response in tea plant.
    Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Oolong Tea Germplasms by AFLP Fingerprinting
    HUANG Fu-ping, LIANG Yue-rong, LU Jian-liang, CHEN Rong-bing, Mamati G. E., SUN Qing-lei
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  183-189.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.007
    Abstract ( 503 )   PDF (385KB) ( 294 )  
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    Genetic diversity in 45 Oolong germplasms collected from three provinces, Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan was evaluated by AFLP fingerprinting based on silver staining technique using 5 primer combinations. The 5 primer combinations generated 208 polymorphic bands. Largest genetic distance between germplasm was 0.481, and the smallest was 0.124. Estimated genetic diversity within the 45 germplasm was up to 0.311. Genetic diversity within Wuyi Mountain population was highest, while genetic diversity within Anxi population was higher than Guangdong and Taiwan populations and lowest within Taiwan population. A dendrogram generated by NT-SYS software indicated that the 45 Oolong tea germplasms could be divided as Wuyi type and Chaoan type. Genetic similarity determined by Popgene 32 software was highest between Anxi and Wuyi populations which was up to 0.9505, and lowest between Taiwan and Chaoan populations which was up to 0.77. It could be inferred that Fujian Oolong tea germplasms originated from Wuyi Mountains.
    Analysis of Anatomical Structure on Tea Leaves in Shandong Province
    FANG Yong, MENG Zhen-nong, LI Xiu-fen, QIAO Yong-jin, MEI Li, LIANG Yu
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  190-196.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.008
    Abstract ( 646 )   PDF (44KB) ( 629 )  
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    The significance and present situation on the morphology and anatomical structure of tea leaves were described in this paper. The anatomic structure of 51 tea cultivars and breeding materials were compared and the cold resistance between different cultivars and various regions were analyzed to provide theoretical basis for introduction of tea cultivar and the selection in cold resistance in northern tae area.
    Studies on the Effect of Traditional Baking Process on Quality of Lingtou Dancong Oolong Tea
    WANG Deng-liang, GUO Qin, ZHANG Da-chun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  197-200.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.009
    Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (35KB) ( 267 )  
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    The changes in the contents of the related bio-chemical components and the aroma constituents between final-firing sample and baking sample were analyzed. Results showed that the contents of the water soluble matters、polyphenols、amino acid、soluble sugar、TF and TR were decreased, and the contents of the TB were increased; concentration of aromatic constituents that showed aroma of flowers was decreased, and the concentration of aromatic constituents that showed aroma of honey was increased. That is to say that the baking process showed its key role in the formation of high aroma and mellow sensory tasting in Lingtou Dancong Oolong Tea.
    Effect of Different Tea Infusions on NO- 2 Eliminating in Vitro Experiment
    ZHOU Cai-qiong, ZHOU Zhang-zhang, FAN Yong, ZHANG Ying, YANG Chang-min
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  201-206.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.010
    Abstract ( 533 )   PDF (40KB) ( 316 )  
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    The green tea、Oolong tea and other six teas were used as the test samples, and the NO- 2-eliminating rate of different concentration of tea infusions was tested under the pH conditions in stomach. The results showed that all teas can remove NO- 2 efficiently, And when the concentration is lower than1:50, the scavenging capability rised with the increasing of the tea concentration. Polyphenols is the main active component, but many factors may influence the NO- 2-scavenging rate. Xiaguan tuocha, Oolong tea and Green tea showed the best effect in removeing NO- 2 among all samples, and the concentration of tea ranged from 1:50 to 1:100 is regarded as the good ratio for drinking.
    Study on Blending of Made Tea with Mixture Design
    TONG Hua-rong, GONG Zheng-li
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  207-211.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.011
    Abstract ( 527 )   PDF (102KB) ( 634 )  
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    Blending program of 7 scented teas using Uniform mixture Design of experiments was studied. Results showed that Uniform mixture design of experiments could be used in blending of made tea effectively. With the model of responses, the interactions of sensory attributes among components could be estimated. With the aid of analysis software HL40, formulations of tea could be optimized for several responses and the best formulation could be gotten.
    Study on Main Microbes on Quality Formation of Yunnan Puer Tea during Pile-fermentation Process
    ZHOU Hong-jie, LI Jia-hua, ZHAO Long-fei, Han Jun, YANG Xing-ji, YANG Wei, WU Xin-zhuang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  212-218.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.012
    Abstract ( 768 )   PDF (976KB) ( 774 )  
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    The investigation on microbes during the pile-fermentation process of Yunnan puer tea shows that the main microbes are Aspergillus niger, Penicllium, Rhizopus, Aspergillus gloucus, Saccharomyces, Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus candidus, Bacterium etc. The number of Aspergillus niger is the most among them, and it produce glucoamylase, pectinase, cellulase ect. The next is Saccharomyces. Besides it possesses rich nutrition which is helpful to human heath, enzymatic system, physiologicial active substances, the yeast can produce vitamin B1, B2 and C etc. These microbes play direct and indirect roles on quality formation of puer tea.
    Formulation of TA-BR in Combination with Bt and Its Application in Tea Production
    ZHANG Ling-ling, YAO Feng-luan, HUANG Zhi-peng, WU Guang-yuan, WANG Qing-sen, XU Jin-han, GUAN Xiong
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(3):  219-225.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.03.013
    Abstract ( 486 )   PDF (53KB) ( 185 )  
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    The quality and yield of the tea production were significantly improved after spraying TA-BR in combination with Bt. The yield could be increased by 6.76%~26.90%, the amino acids/tea polyphenols ratio was obviously reduced, while water extracted substances, the soluble sugar and vitamin C were higher than those of CK. In addition, the control effects of TA-BR in combination with Bt on the Euproctis pseudoconspersa ,Ectropis obliqua hypulina and Andraca bipunctata,which are the main tea pests,could reach above 90%, and this product is also safe for natural enemies.