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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
Inscription of journal title: ZHU De
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Tea Science Society
Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
No. of issues: Bi-monthly
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    25 December 2004 Volume 24 Issue 4
    Sulphur Nutrition of Tea Plant: A Review of Present Studies and Research Prospects
    HAN Wen-yan, HU Da-huo, SHI Yuan-zhi, MA Li-feng
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  227-234.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.001
    Abstract ( 728 )   PDF (60KB) ( 631 )  
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    Sulphur is one of the essential elements of tea plant and regarded as the fourth key element next to NPK. With the decreasing in the application of the traditional S-bearing fertilizers and pesticides, and the control of SO2 pollution in atmosphere in recent years, the S deficiency in tea plant is obviously increased. S application has being become one of the key factors in the Integrated Nutrition Management System in tea garden. This paper reviews the different aspects of S nutrition of tea, especially the S content in tea plant, the S absorption and utilization by tea plant, the availability and distribution of S in the soil and their affecting factors, the S deficiency in tea plant and its diagnosis, the effects of S application on yield and quality of tea, S balance in tea garden and S application technique. And finally the future research activities on S nutrition in tea are outlined.
    A Preliminary Study on Acoustic Communication of Empoasca vitis
    ZHAO Dong-xiang, GAO Jing-lin, CHEN Zong-mao, XU Han-hong
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  235-239.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.002
    Abstract ( 637 )   PDF (103KB) ( 489 )  
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    Adopting the self-made feeble sound monitoring system, authors studied the sounds and their features of Empoasca vitis. The results indicated that, the nymph and the female adult alone didn’t sound but the male adult could emit the vibration sounds transmitted through host-plant and used in the communication of intra-species. Altogether, 3 kinds of sound were recorded, that were male’s common sounds, rivalry sounds and courtship sounds which emitted when the sexes were put together. Meanwhile, authors also analysis the waveform feature of the 3 acoustic signals. The study on the leafhopper’s acoustic behavior may offer theory basis for developing new method of controlling Empoasca vitis.
    Fauna of Tea Fulgora and the Major Species in China
    ZHANG Han-gu
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  240-242.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.003
    Abstract ( 691 )   PDF (87KB) ( 593 )  
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    There were more than 20 species of fulgora recorded in tea areas of China. They belonged to 6 families of Fulgoroidea. Most of them belonged to Flalidae and Ricaniidae, including several harmful species.
    Taxonomic Study on the Dendrocola of the Tea Plantations in Southern Area of Henan Province
    LU Dong-sheng, WU Xiao-qin
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  243-248.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.004
    Abstract ( 492 )   PDF (39KB) ( 361 )  
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    The present paper is to report the classification of fungi on tea bushes in Southern part of Henan Province. Two hundred and thirty four specimens were collected by the author from 13 tea gardens, and 46 species in 27 genera belonging to 13 families have been identified. Among them, 17 species are new records of those which are living on tea bushes in China and 19 species are new records in Henan Province. The distribution and the bioecological habit of every species of the fungi are given.
    Attracting Effect of Volatile Infochemicals from Tea Shoots and Flowers on Winged Tea Aphids
    HAN Bao-yu, ZHOU Cheng-song
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  249-254.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.005
    Abstract ( 460 )   PDF (47KB) ( 243 )  
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    The attracting effects of the fifteen volatile components emitted from tea shoots and tea flowers on alate tea aphid, Toxoptera aurantii, were measured by four-arm olfactometer and electroantennogram (EAG). The result showed that in those odors (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (E)-2-hexenal, methyl salicylate, linalool, n-octanol and hexanal as well nerol and allyl isothiocyanate, the main aroma components from tea flowers showed significant attracting effect on the winged tea aphids. The difference in aphid number attracted by 2 doses of 10-4βg/ml and 10-2βg/ml of 15 components was obvious in olfactometer bioassay. EAG responses showed that: ① the EAG value by the odor from the fresh 1st leaf below the bud was largest; ② Simulating the “green leaf volatiles”, a mixture composed of 10-2βg/ml n-hexanol, n-pentanol, 1-penten-3-ol, 2-penten-1-ol, (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate according to ratio of 1∶1∶1∶1∶1∶1∶1, could elicit strong EAG responses; ③ the odor from aphid-damaged tender stem repelled tea aphids. It was supposed that the green leaf volatiles and methyl salicylate liberated from tea shoots and tea flowers play a role of attracting lures in alate tea aphids foraging and orienting to tea shoots, and the aphid-damaged tea shoots maybe emit infochemicals to dispel tea aphids.
    Genetic Variation in the Leaf-Expansion Period of the First Hybrid Generation Tea Plants
    GUO Ji-chun, YE Nai-xing, HE Xiao-yan
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  255-259.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.006
    Abstract ( 400 )   PDF (195KB) ( 226 )  
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    This research adopted the Huangjingui, Huangqi, Huangguanyin, Tieguanyin and Hongyafoshou as parent plants to make artificial hybridization between cultivars with various sprouting date and to observe the trend of genetic variation in the F1 leaf-expansion period. Results showed that:① The F1 leaf-expansion periods occurred a successive variation with the average value of their parent leaf-expansion periods as the central value, the variation range was large and the average value of the F1 leaf-expansion period was close to the average value of their parents. ② In the combinations of early-sprouting and early-sprouting cultivars, the super-parental phenomenon in both positive and negative directions of genetic variation of shortening or postponing the F1 leaf-expansion period were observed. In the combination of late-sprouting and early-sprouting cultivars, the F1 leaf-expansion periods were located between their parents. In the combination of late-sprouting and middle-sprouting cultivars, the F1 leaf-expansion period were mostly close to the that of middle-sprouting cultivars. ③ The male paternal showed more influence on the leaf-expansion period in F1 generation. When the leaf-expansion period of male parent was earlier, the F1 leaf-expansion period was also early in F1 generation. If the leaf-expansion period of paternal plant were same, the leaf-expansion period in F1 generation was related to the difference of the leaf-expansion period between their parents. When the difference between their parental plants was small, the large variation of leaf-expansion period occurred in the F1 generation. For these reasons, it is possible to acquire the hybrid with the earlier leaf-expansion period than their parental plants via through the hybridization between early-sprouting and early-sprouting cultivars. Simultaneously, it is possible to forecast the F1 average leaf-expansion period in the F1 generation and possible variation range in the F1 generation according to the paternal leaf-expansion period, the average value and their difference of leaf-expansion periods between the two parents.
    Isolation of Genes Related to EGCG Content Increasing by Exogenous Induction in Tea Shoots
    LIN Jin-ke, ZHENG Jin-gui
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  260-265.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.007
    Abstract ( 416 )   PDF (353KB) ( 240 )  
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    In order to study the variation of gene transcription in tea plant (Fuding Dabaicha cultivar) tender shoots during the increasing of EGCG content by ID1 exogenous induction, some gene fragments were isolated by the technique of fluorescent messenger RNA differential display reverse transcription-PCR (DDRT-PCR). 18 differentially displayed cDNA fragments were obtained from induced tea shoots and normal shoots by DDRT-PCR. Reverse northern hybridization showed that 5 of them might derive from transcripts of differentially expressed genes. Among them, the expression levels of differential cDNA sequences of DD2、DD9、DD12 and DD16 in induced tea shoots were higher than the control, and the expression level of differential cDNA sequences of DD3 was reversed. They were cloned into pGEM T-Easy vector, and the positive clones were confirmed by EcoRⅠ digestion. Their sequences were analyzed and DD12 appeared many unknown codes. BLAST was used to search the NCBInr-database at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. The results were as follows: DD2 shows 86% homology with the thioredoxin peroxidase gene from Nicotiana tabacum. The function of DD3, a fragment of RAPD Marker (AJ516005.1) from Camellia sinensis, was unknown. DD9 shows 80% homology with aldehyde dehydrogenase (NADH) gene from Lotus corniculatus and Arabidopsis thaliana. DD16 could not be found homologous with any sequences, thus, might be a new gene.
    Studies on the Quality Chemical Components in Sichuan Brick Tea
    QI Gui-nian, TIAN Hong, LIU Ai-ling, SHI Zhao-peng
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  266-269.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.008
    Abstract ( 537 )   PDF (33KB) ( 490 )  
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    The contents and constituents of amino acids, catechins, caffeine, tea polyphenols and water extracts in raw material, fermented leaves, Kang Zhuan tea from Sichuan province were studied using amino acid auto-analysis and HPLC analysis. The content of amino acids, essential amino acids, theanine,catechins, caffeine, tea polyphenols and water extracts in raw materials were 1424.00βmg/100g, 547.00βmg/100g, 87.15βmg/100g, 27.63βmg/g, 1.30%, 8.18% and 26.94%,respectively; those in fermented leaves were 1590.00βmg/100g, 668.00βmg/100g, 67.62βmg/100g. 27.52βmg/g, 1.24%, 7.90% and 24.53% respectively, and those in Kang Zhuan tea were 1420.00βmg/100g, 529.00βmg/100g, 66.88βmg/100g, 13.65βmg/g, 1.27%, 5.99% and 23.92%, respectively.
    Analysis of Thermal Efficiency during the Processing of Microwave De-enzyming of the Fresh Tea Leaves
    YE Yang, YUAN Hai-bo, YIN Jun-feng, LIN Zhi
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  270-275.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.009
    Abstract ( 404 )   PDF (43KB) ( 215 )  
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    It has not been reported the specific heat of fresh tea leaves that measured by the method of “mixing”. When the leaves contain 50% to 72% of the moisure the average heat ratio of the leaves is 3.44KJ/kg·℃. The results of the experiemnts showed that the main factor that affect the efficiency of heat is the quantity of the leaves during microwave de-enzyming. While the efficiency related with the thickness of the layer of tea leaves and methods for treatment need to be further study. The thermal efficiency of microwave de-enzyming is 32.32% to 38.62%, higher than that of machinery microwave processing, which is 21.23% and 18.11%. The experimental data may be useful to improvement of the efficiency of machinery microwave processing which is used in tea processing factory.
    Effects on the Yield and Quality of Oolong Tea by Covering with Shading Net
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  276-282.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.010
    Abstract ( 457 )   PDF (87KB) ( 365 )  
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    The effects of shading on ecology, physiology and biochemistry of Oolong tea by covering with black shading net in relative tea field in summer season were investigated by the authors. Results showed that in compared with control, the average temperature of daytime, maximum temperature, temperature difference and the relative humidity difference in plucking table of tea plant had been decreased remarkably, while the relative humidity of daytime and the daily minimum relative humidity in plucking table of tea plant in the shading treatment were remarkably increased. In compared with control, moisture content of shoots with one bud and three-leaves in the treatment of shading in summer and hot summer day was increased by 4.57%~6.47% and 2.24%~2.78% respectively. The content of total chlorophyll in leaves of the tea shoot in summer and hot summer day were respectively increased by 41.70%~48.92%and 52.38%~91.06%over the control. Similarly, chlorophyll a by 38.96%~47.25% and 50.94%~72.52%,while chlorophyll b by 43.83%~54.58%and 67.98%~155.81% were increased. Whereas the ratio of chlorophyll a and b was decreased by 0.1042~0.1868 and 1.10~3.54 respectively. After shading, the leaf epidermis, cuticle, palisade tissue, spongy tissue was thinned, while the lamina area was decreased, and the ratio of palisade tissue to spongy tissue was decreased. After shading, the contents of tea polyphenols, crude cellulose and caffeine in fresh leaves are all obviously reduced, while the contents of amino acid in fresh leaves are obviously increased. It was regarded that moderate shading could improve the quality and the yield of Oolong tea.
    Theanine Preparation with Preparative HPLC
    ZHANG Ying, SHI Zhao-peng
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  283-287.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.011
    Abstract ( 455 )   PDF (152KB) ( 259 )  
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    Retention characteristics of theanine were investigated on C18 column for preparative high performance liquid chromatography (prep-HPLC). Based on frontal analysis and adsorption isotherm, effects of chromatographic conditions to separation were studied on overload injection. Results showed that the separation effect of volume overload is better than that of concentration overload. And large granule solid phase is recommended for large-scale purification of theanine on C18 column.
    Studies on the Green Fluorescence of Tea Polyphenols
    ZHANG Li-xia, JIA Ming, XIA Wen-juan, XIANG Qin-zeng, HUANG Xiao-qin
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  288-294.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.012
    Abstract ( 630 )   PDF (659KB) ( 412 )  
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    The effects of the concentration , pH, solvent, mental ion ( Ca2+ , Al3+ ) and heating on the fluorescence spectra of the tea polyphenols were studied. The results showed that the factors of all above had obviously effects on the fluorescent intensity of tea polyphenols. It reached the maximum intensity when pH of solvent is 7.4±0.2 or the concentration of tea polyphenols is 3βmg/ml or water solution contains 50% ethanol. Adding Ca2+ and Al3+ in the infusion of tea polyphenols reduced the fluorescent intensity, but it was mainly indirect effect by precipitating a portion of tea polyphenols. Heating treatment caused the fluorescent intensity of tea polyphenols higher. .The maximum emission peak would move to long wavelength when the concentration of tea polyphenols was above 3βmg/ml or pH>8, but other factors had less effects. Besides, solvent polarity affected the shape of excitation fluorescent spectra and the intensity obviously, but had less effect on the maximum emission wavelength.
    Study on the Extracting Method of Kuding Tea by Adding Exogenous Enzymes
    WANG Deng-liang, WANG Ying-feng, YAN Yu-qin
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  295-301.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.013
    Abstract ( 578 )   PDF (46KB) ( 233 )  
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    The addition of exogenous enzymes(cellulase, pectinase and papain)during the extraction of Kuding tea was investigated. The changes in the contents of the chemical component in the Kuding tea extracts and the comparison of single enzyme and the combination of exogenous enzymes were analyzed. Results showed that the optimum condition for extracting Kuding tea was as follows: 40βmin, 50℃, pH 5.5 and the addition of 0.2% cellulase.
    Kinetic Studies on Extraction of EGCG in Tea
    YE Yong, FANG Li-guo
    Journal of Tea Science. 2004, 24(4):  302-304.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2004.04.014
    Abstract ( 414 )   PDF (113KB) ( 200 )  
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    By using the determination on the change of EGCG concentration with time in the course of extraction by water or ethanol, and the application of mathematical model derivation and equation regression methods, the kinetic rule in extraction of tea EGCG was investigated and disclosed in this paper. An optimized extracting time and kinetic equation in different conditions were put forward. Results showed that the equation optimization was succeeded and the extraction of EGCG complied to diffusion kinetic rules.