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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
Inscription of journal title: ZHU De
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Tea Science Society
Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
No. of issues: Bi-monthly
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Table of Content

    15 April 2012 Volume 32 Issue 2
    Determination of Nitrate and Nitrite in Tea by Ion Chromatography
    CAI Hui-mei, HOU Ru-yan, GAO Zhu, PENG Chuan-yi, WAN Xiao-chun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  95-99.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.002
    Abstract ( 486 )   PDF (557KB) ( 287 )  
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    A method for simultaneous determination of nitrite and nitrate in tea was established. Tea samples were pre-treated by ultrasonic extraction, PVPP and solid-phase extraction cartridge clean up, and the resulting supernatants were injected into a high-capacity anion exchange column with suppressed conductivity detection. The results showed that the recovery nitrate was 88.6%~107.5% and nitrite was 89.3%~101.2%. The relative standard deviations (RSD) were 1.67% and 1.13% respectively. It was concluded that the advantages of the method are simple operation, fast and high accuracy.
    Analysis on the EGCG Methylated Derivatives Produced from EGCG Catalyzed by EGCG-O-Methyltransferase
    Lü Hai-peng, FEI Dong-mei, ZHANG Yue, LIN Zhi, TAN Jun-feng, GUO Li
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  100-106.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.003
    Abstract ( 473 )   PDF (649KB) ( 304 )  
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    The fragmentation pathways of EGCG3′′Me, EGCG4′′Me and EGCG3′Me were studied using LC-MS under positive ionization mode, and the EGCG methylated derivatives produced from EGCG catalyzed by EGCG-O-Methyltransferase were analyzed. Results showed that more than ten kinds of EGCG methylated derivatives were identified, including EGCG3′′Me, EGCG4′′Me, EGCG3′Me, EGCG5′Me, EGCG3′′,4′′-diMe, EGCG3′′,5′′-diMe, EGCG3′,5′-diMe, EGCG3′,5′′-diMe, EGCG3′,3′′,5′′-triMe, EGCG5′,3′′,5′′-triMe.
    Effect of High Concentrations of Cd Stress on the Physiological Characteristics, Absorbtion and Accumulation in Tea Plant
    WANG Chun-mei, TANG Qian, ZHANG Xiao-qin, ZHANG Dong-chuan
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  107-114.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.010
    Abstract ( 458 )   PDF (671KB) ( 583 )  
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    :Through the soil pot experiment, investigation on the influence of high concentrations of cadmium stress on the growth, absorbtion and accumulation physical characteristics of tea plant by using Mingshanbaihao cultivar as testing material. The results showed that: Tea plants did not show obvious symptoms under the cadmium concentration of 0~120 mg/kg. The growth of various organs, chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis were significantly inhibited by increasing concentrations of Cd. Superoxide dismutase(SOD), peroxidase(POD), catalase(CAT) activity were gradually reduced accordingly. The content of malondialdehyde(MDA), proline(Pro) and relative conductivity(RC) increased substantially. Cadmium in various organs(y) had a significant or highly significant positive correlation with Cd concentration(x1) and available cadmium content in soil(x2). The order of cadmium contents in various organs was Fibrous roots> Roots> Stems> Branches> Leaves> New sterns>. The migration of available cadmium in soil from the underground parts to aboveground parts was the main source of cadmium in tea plants. Cadmium in tea plants mostly fixed by fibrous roots and roots, simultaneously, only a low ratio was transported to aboveground.
    Effect of Light-shading on Accumulation of Chlorophylls and Their Precursors in Tea Shoots
    SHU Hua, WANG Ying-feng, ZHANG Shi-kang, LIANG Yue-rong, LU Jian-liang, LI Da-wei, OU Yang-mei, LI Na-na, ZHU Yue-jin
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  115-121.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.011
    Abstract ( 712 )   PDF (724KB) ( 284 )  
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    Effects of light-shading on accumulation of chlorophylls and their biosynthetic precursors in tea cultivars Jiukeng, Longjing43, Shuigu were investigated using dark light-shading net. It showed that light-shading increased the accumulation of chlorophylls in tea shoots, accompanying decrease in levels of aminolevulinic acid (ALA), Porphobilinogen (PBG) and urogen Ⅲ and increase in levels of protoporphyrin Ⅸ (Proto Ⅸ), magnesium protoporphyrin Ⅸ (Mg-Proto Ⅸ) and protochlorophyllide (Pchlide).
    Determination of the Flavone Glycosidesin Various Tea Cultivars
    WU Chun-yan, XU Hai-rong, Julien Héritier, Wilfried Andlauer
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  122-128.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.008
    Abstract ( 679 )   PDF (645KB) ( 517 )  
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    A standardized profiling method based on high performance liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometric detection (MS) was established to identify and quantify twelve flavone glycosides in eight tea cultivar. The result showed that the contents of flavonoid glycoside in different tea cultivars were widely distributed. The content of flavonoid glycoside was highest in the tea cultivar of Ziya up to 6.12mg/g, and lowest in the tea cultivar of Fujian Shuixian with only 2.31mg/g. There was a significant difference between these two tea cultivars (P<0.05).
    Phenotypic Diversity Analysis of Biochemical Composition in 52 Tea Germplasms
    WANG Xiao-ping, TANG Xiao-bo, WANG Ying-chun, LI Chun-hua, YAO Yu, LI Lan-ying, LUO Fan, WANG Yun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  129-134.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.012
    Abstract ( 429 )   PDF (656KB) ( 433 )  
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    Biochemical components (including water extracts, polyphenols, amino acids, caffeine and catechins etc.) and genetic diversity in spring shoots were analyzed in 52 tea germplasms from Sichuan(33 germplasms) and other provinces(19 germplasms). The results showed that the biochemical diversity and variation were significant in these 52 tea gemplasms. Based on the biochemical composition data, 52gemplasms were clustered into two groups.
    Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Tea Germplasm Resources Camellia sinensis var. assamica cv. Jianghua Revealed by ISSR Markers
    LI Dan, LI Duan-sheng, YANG Chun, WANG Qing, LUO Jun-wu
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  135-141.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.013
    Abstract ( 479 )   PDF (648KB) ( 360 )  
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    The 10 pairs of ISSR primers were used to analyze the genetic polymorphism and genetic relationship of 70 Camellia sinensis var. assamica cv. Jianghua individuals. Totally 174 bands were generated with 10 ISSR primers, of which 166 (95.40%) were polymorphic, which indicated that the genetic diversity of Jianghua population was relatively high. The mean Nei´s gene diversity (H) and Shannon´s information index (I) of the tested tea germplasm were 0.382 and 0.558 respectively, indicating a rather high genetic diversity existed between the germplasm resources. The genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0.44 to 0.84, averaging 0.63. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that all the tested individuals could be classified into 6 groups including 5 complex groups and 1 simple group. The genetic relationship of all 70 Jianghua individuals was revealed by the ISSR dendrogram, which provide the basis for the utilization and protection of this local landrace population.
    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Tea Industry and Economic Development of Anxi County
    YU Wen-quan, SUN Wei-jiang, WU Guo-zhang, ZHAO Li-hong
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  142-146.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.009
    Abstract ( 515 )   PDF (505KB) ( 155 )  
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    The relationship between tea industry and economic development of Anxi County was analyzed in this paper by using the design of index and data collection as well as the method of correlation calculation. Results showed that there is a high relationship existed between the development of tea industry and the overall economy, primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry of Anxi. The high-speed development of tea industry is the important factor promoting the economic development of Anxi County.
    Statistical Analysis on the Scientific Literature of Tea Economics
    ZHU Yong-xing, JIANG Ai-qin
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  147-154.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.004
    Abstract ( 440 )   PDF (663KB) ( 278 )  
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    1449 Chinese literatures with tea economic themes were collected and filtered. With these articles statistical analysis on bibliometrics and keywords analysis were carried out. Results showed that during the latest 10 years the number of tea economic articles developed as a path of increasing curve with a low valley; these articles were published on 461 journals, among which the top 3 journals published more than 50 articles in each; and also there are 64.2% journals only published 1 article in each. There are 1152 first authors in these 1449 articles, among which there are 12 first authors who published more than 5 articles in each. These first authors affiliate to 803 institutions, which mainly belong to high education field and agriculture field, and fewer belong to research and economic institutions. The keyword analysis results showed that there are totally 3642 keywords in 1449 tea economic articles with total frequency of 8595. The keywords with highest frequencies as follows: “tea industry”, “industrialization”, “development”, “countermeasure”, “brand”, “famous tea”, “organic tea”, “Pu-erh tea”, “sustainable development”, “economic effect”, “trade”, “market”, etc. In different years there are different high frequency keywords. In recent years, it occurrences some new keywords, in which the most important ones are “dark tea”, “market construction”, “tea industry association”, “distract brand”, “brand marketing”, “industrial structure”, etc. In the latest 10 years, the conceptions of tea brand, tea culture were gotten more attentions. Whereas, the attention to the tea export concept was dropped down for several years, but recovered in some degree in recent 3 years.
    Discussion on the Production Mode of Tea Art
    ZHU Hong-ying
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  155-159.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.007
    Abstract ( 620 )   PDF (438KB) ( 225 )  
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    Tea art, as a special way of tea drinking, has been evolved from a daily-life style to a social production mode. In this paper, we analyzed the productive forces and production relations of tea art, and further discussed the real existence of the production mode about tea art, and also involving that tea art as a new cultural product and production mode. In the social environment of highly developing cultural and creative industries, how does the new cultural industry, like tea art, be encouraged in the institutional aspect is also discussed in this paper.
    Review and Prospect on the Research of Spider Ecology in Chinese Tea Garden
    GAO Yu, SUN Xiao-ling, JIN Shan, ZHANG Zheng-qun, BIAN Lei, LUO Zong-xiu, CHEN Zong-mao
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  160-166.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.001
    Abstract ( 598 )   PDF (629KB) ( 1044 )  
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    Spiders which are abundant in Chinese tea plantations are the most important species of natural enemy for controlling the populations of many pests. Spider ecology in tea gardens of china was corresponding to the investigation on the development of pest control by spiders. The spider taxa and the dynamics on major pests population in tea gardens, community diversity of spiders, the influences of cultivation and methods of management to the community diversity, the impact of ecological factors on the spider, predatory behavior ecology and chemical ecology of spider were briefly reviewed in this paper. Furthermore, the new development of spider ecology in tea gardens of china in recent years was also summarized. Chemical ecology of spider would be an important aspect on the research and development of biological control in tea garden in future.
    Design and Research on the Intelligent Expert System of Famous Tea Evaluation
    ZHANG Xing-hai, GONG Shu, ZHOU Xiao-hong, WANG Yue-fei
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  167-172.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.005
    Abstract ( 556 )   PDF (541KB) ( 163 )  
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    The Intelligent Expert System of Famous Tea Evaluation was developed, against the shortage of traditional tea evaluation, so as to provide a more efficient method of objective and fair for the quality control and evaluation of tea. This system is the use of digital cameras and scanners, capturing the appearance of dry tea and tea infusion, and then using S-acquisition image processing method for color analysis with Photoshop 7.0 software. By using the mean value of color parameters L of tea sample, with regression equation: T2=17.2+0.15(2L1+L2)–0.4(a1+3a2), to reflect the inherent quality of tea. To make the system more objective and impartial, adding the revised indicators, which characterized a comprehensive review of the overall impression of the tea sub-T1, and those factors that easy to judge through the human sensory senses. The index only contained those factors that the requirement of human experience and professional technique were relative low such as the consistent review of the shape and uniformity of tea, foreign matter and odour. The digital-model of The Intelligent Expert System of Famous Tea Evaluation(IESFTE) is: TZF=17.2+0.25T1+0.15(2L1+L2)–0.4(a1+3a2). The assessment result made by this Intelligent Expert System was close to the assessment results from experts.
    Study of Developmental Pattern of Tea Shoot Tenderness on the Base of Texture Analyser
    HUANG Yan, WEI Kang, WANG Li-yuan, CHENG Hao, HE Wei, ZHOU Jian
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  173-178.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.014
    Abstract ( 618 )   PDF (655KB) ( 260 )  
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    Texture analyser was utilized to study shoot tenderness in tea cultivar “Longjing 43” and “Zhongcha 108”. The evaluation method was established by taking maximum shearing force to determine shoot tenderness. Low maximum shearing force represents high shoot tenderness. The results showed that it is feasible to use texture analyser to determine shoot tenderness. There was a sharp decrease of shoot tenderness from the third to fifth node. Furthermore, the tenderness of the first and second nodes was relatively high. The shoot tenderness was correlated with maturity, spatial location, plucking time and variety. Pruning significantly increased the tenderness of the third and fourth nodes. A consistently changing pattern of tea shoot tenderness was found by texture analyser in this study, which provided a useful method to evaluate shoot tenderness and its keeping ability in tea plant.
    HPLC-ESI-MS Analysis of Pigments in ZijuanGreen Tea and Its Stability
    GONG Jia-shun, SUI Hua-song, PENG Chun-xiu, FAN Jian-gong, LI Ya-li
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(2):  179-188.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.02.006
    Abstract ( 531 )   PDF (843KB) ( 242 )  
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    The pigments and its stability in Zijuan sun-dried green tea were investigated in this study. The pigments from Zijuan sun-dried green tea were extracted by acidic methanol-H2O solution and H2O, and the main compounds were identified by means of HPLC-ESI-MS/MS techniques. 14 anthocyanin, 24 flavonols, 8 phenolics and theaflavins and 3 alkaloids were identified from the extracts of Zijuan sun-dried green tea. The main anthocyanins, such as Cyanidin-3-glucoside, Cyaniding-3-galactoside, Cyanidin-3-O-(6-p-coumaroyl)-glucoside, Delphinidin-3- glucoside, Delphinidin-3-rutinoside, Delphinidin-3-O-(6-p-coumaroyl)-glucoside, Prodelphinidin B-2(or 4)3′-O- gallate, Procyanidin B-2(or 4)3′-O-gallate, Petunidin-3-glc-4-vinylphenol and Malvidin-3-glc-4- vinylepicatechin etc were identified in Zijuan sun-dried green tea. The pigment extracted from Zijuan sun-dried green tea by using acidic methanol-methanol-H2O as solvent showed good water-solubility and was stable to light and heat in acid environment, but sensitive to the pH value of environment, oxidizer and reducer. The maximum adsorption wavelength for the pigment is 538nm under pH 1.0. Fe2+ and Cu2+ can change the color of the pigments and stability was decreased. The substance of the purple colour in Zijuan sun-dried green tea was clarified by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis.