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Journal title: Journal of Tea science
Inscription of journal title: ZHU De
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Tea Science Society
Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Office, Journal of Tea Science
Start time: 1964
No. of issues: Bi-monthly
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    15 June 2012 Volume 32 Issue 3
    Study on Membrane Separation and Its Physicochemical Properties of Theabrownin in ‘Zijuan’ Pu-erh Tea
    ZHANG Qin, DONG Li-xing, LI Gai-qing, GONG Jia-shun
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  189-196.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.003
    Abstract ( 574 )   PDF (1063KB) ( 530 )  
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    3500Da decomposed dialysate and 100000Da undecomposed dialysate of the theabrownin in ‘zijuan’ pu-erh tea as the main content were obtained by using membrane technology and their physicochemical properties were studied. The result showed that the total acidic functional group, carboxyl group, phenolic hydroxyl group,tea polyphenols, polysaccharose content of 100000Da undecomposed dialysate were higher than those of 3500Da decomposed dialysate. The polysaccharide isolated from 100000Da undecomposed dialysate was composed of ribose, rhamnose, mannose, glucose and galactose,but these monose were not detected in 3500Da decomposed dialysate. It suggested that the 3500Da decomposed dialysate and 100000Da undecomposed dialysate contained the -OH and -COOH groups. It was suggested that the theabrownin of the ‘zijuan’ pu-erh tea belonged to benzene polyphenolic substance and contained of polyphenolic pigments, lipids, polysaccharide, protein and alkaloids.
    Study on Process of Anthocyanins Extraction from ‘Zijuan’ Tea by Response Surface Analysis
    FEI Xu-yuan, LIN Zhi, LIANG Ming-zhi, WANG Li-bo, CHEN Ji-wei, LV Hai-peng, TAN Jun-feng, GUO Li
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  197-202.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.002
    Abstract ( 684 )   PDF (806KB) ( 290 )  
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    Process extraction of anthocyanins from Zijuan tea was optimized by response surface methodology (RSM). Selected test factors and levels on the basis of the single-factor test, analysis of the significance of each factor and their interaction by using three factors and three levels of response surface analysis according to central composite (Box-Behnken) experimental design principles. The results showed that the optimum conditions for the extraction Zijuan tea anthocyanin are reaction temperature 29℃, reaction time 132min, the material-liquid ratio 1︰26 in acidic methanol, under these conditions the concentration of anthocyanins in the extract can be achieved 5.94mg/mL.
    A Method for Determination of Imidacloprid Residue in Tea with HPLC-UV
    WANG Xiao-hui, WAN Xiao-chun, HOU Ru-yan
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  203-209.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.008
    Abstract ( 516 )   PDF (668KB) ( 390 )  
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    A method for the analysis of imidacloprid residue in tea by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detector was established. Through the comparation of extract efficiencies of several solvent and the clean-up capacities of different SPE cartridges, the results show that after soaked with water, extracted by acetonitrile, cleaned up with the Envi-Carb/PSA cartridge, imidacloprid was eluted with 6mL acetonitrile solution from the cartridge and detected with HPLC, the samples was spiked at the level of 0.025~0.250mg/kg, and the recovery of Imidacloprid range from 92.0%~97.6% with RSD less than 3.8%. Practical determination limit was 0.025mg/kg. It meet with the analytical requirements to imidacloprid residue in exported tea. The pretreatment method was simple, sensitive and less organic solvent consumption.
    Effect of Light Quality on Tea Polyphenol Content and Activities of Antioxidantive Enzymes in Tea Callus
    ZHOU Lin, CHEN Zhou-yi-qi, WANG Yu-hua, YANG Lu-cheng, FANG Wan-ping, LI Xing-hui
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  210-216.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.010
    Abstract ( 523 )   PDF (861KB) ( 305 )  
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    Calli were induced from the mature seed of tea cultivar ‘Longjing 43’ (C. sinensis cv. Longjing 43) using different light spectrum qualities. The effects of different lights on the tea polyphenol (TP) contents and the activities of antioxidantive enzymes (superoxide dismutase and catalase) in calli were analyzed. The results showed that the TP content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and catalase (CAT) activity of the callus that treated with different light spectrum qualities varied with light quality and treatment time. Calli grew better under blue light than other treatments. The TP content of each treatment increased from 1~10d and reduced from 10~20d. The TP content under blue light was lower than the control while that under red light was much higher than the control, simultaneously green and yellow light had insignificant influence. The activity of SOD under white light was significantly higher than other treatments, while that of red light was significantly lower. The activity of CAT under white light was also significantly higher than other treatments. However, green and yellow light may not be conducive to the synthesis of CAT.
    Studies on Hyperlipidemia TherapyCompounds in Fuzhuan Tea
    FU Dong-he, LIU Zhong-hua, HUANG Jian-an, CAI Wen-li
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  217-223.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.006
    Abstract ( 592 )   PDF (700KB) ( 579 )  
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    Six compounds were separated from Fuzhuan Tea by using the combined modern separation technique with High-Throughput Screening(HTS) technique. After using IR,UV, MS, NMR , etc., the compounds were identified as follows: gallic acid(GA), (+)-gallocatechin 〔(+)-GC〕, 3-methoxy-4,5-dihydroxy-benzoic acid(MDBA), 3,4-dihydroxy-benzoic acid(DBA), (-)-epigallocatechin gallate〔(-)-EGCG) and (-)-epicatechin gallate((-)-ECG〕. The six compounds separated from Fuzhuan Tea were tested by cell model FXR, LXR, PPARδ, PPARγ and 3T3-L1. These results showed that the concentration of 50.00µg/mL GA and ECG were active in the FXR model. The active value was 1.77±0.14 and 3.22±0.06 separately. The active value of EGCG in the FXR model reached 6.00±0.45 when the concentration was 50.00µg/mL. To PPARδ, the active value of GC in PPARγ model was 1.62±0.16 when the concentration was 30.00µg/mL. The active value in MDBA to PPARγ was 1.73±0.16. All the compounds were not obviously active in 3T3-L1 model.
    Immunity Enhancing Function of TheanineCompound Preparation
    TAN Jun-feng, LIN Zhi, LI Liang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  224-228.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.001
    Abstract ( 684 )   PDF (575KB) ( 226 )  
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    According to “The Standard of Health Food Test and Assesment”, the enhancing immunity function of theanine compound preparation was evaluated. The samples recommended daily dose for human is 1.4g/60kg, For ICR mice we set low, medium, high dosage groups were 0.12, 0.23, 0.70g/kg, the equivalent of human recommended doses of 5, 10, 30 times. In the experiment condition, cellular immunity and humoral immunity showed positive results, mononuclear-macrophage function and NK cell activity were negative. The final results showed that theanine compound preparation possessed immunity enhancing function.
    Developmental Fitness of Ectropis oblique Prout Feeding on Tea Leaves with Different Maturity
    GUO Xiao, WANG Xiao-qing, PENG Ping, LIN Qiang, HU Xiang, SHENG Zhong-lei, WU Xiu-hong
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  229-235.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.009
    Abstract ( 631 )   PDF (782KB) ( 335 )  
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    The effects of young tea leaves, mature tea leaves and old tea leaves on development and fecundity of Ectropis oblique Prout were studied in laboratory. The results showed that young tea leaves increasing the amount of E. oblique Prout eggs. The mature tea leaves were beneficial in development of E. oblique larvae. The old tea leaves were not suitable to feeding of E. oblique larvae. The effects were greater on E. oblique young larvae. From the perspective of the changes of life table parameters, the mature leaves were favorable for the development of the E. oblique population. The development of E. oblique population was the slowest on the old tea leaves among the three kinds of tea leaves. These three kinds of leaves were all able to maintain the life cycle of the tested insect. The analysis of the chemical contents of tea leaves indicated that the contents of amino acids and water were the main factors affecting growth and development of E. oblique. The results of correlation analysis showed that nutritional needs on leaves were different in the different developmental stages of E. oblique. The nutrition in the young leaves and mature leaves maybe played a complementary role in the development of E. oblique.
    Effect of Raw Material Processing by Different Fixation Technology on the Stability with Quality of Tea Beverage
    YUAN Hai-bo, DENG Yu-liang, CHEN Gen-sheng, XU Yong-quan, WANG Fang, LIU Ping, ZHONG Xiao-yu, YIN Jun-feng
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  236-246.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.004
    Abstract ( 602 )   PDF (1085KB) ( 263 )  
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    Different raw materials made by different fixation technology was adopted to process green-tea beverage. The extracting characteristics and content of quality components, organoleptic flavor are studied by the determination of polyphenols, amino acids, protein, sugar and other chemical components, and catechin components, aroma components as well as color, turbidity, combined with color, aroma, taste and other sensory evaluation, under the condition of fore-and-aft sterilization at high temperature and 37℃ storage 7d, 4℃ storage 7d. The fixation technology of raw materials which was suitable for green tea beverage was putted forward.
    Study on the Consumption of Green Tea in Korea Based on Food-related Lifestyle Theory
    KIM Tae-youn, TU You-ying
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  247-253.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.005
    Abstract ( 614 )   PDF (683KB) ( 304 )  
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    The marketing segmentation by Food-related Lifestyle (FRL) makes producers understand the consumption correctly, which is helpful for the producers to get marketing target and establish marketing strategies. The study collected 420 questionnaires from Korean and separated consumers into five FRL types by exploratory factor analysis, they were categorized as convenience-intention group, high-interest group, safety-seeking, health-seeking group, and passive group. Finally, chi-square test and cross-over analysis were applied to research the character features, consuming situation and behavior of consumers in Korea. Based on one month’s consumption, the health-seeking group occupied 32% of total investigators, 50% consumers drank more than 80 cup of green tea, 20% consumers bought more than 50g tea in this group. 77% of total questionnaires spent less than 15000 KRW per month for green tea. High-interest group had the highest potential for consuming green tea. To promote the tea consumption in Korea, the tea producers should pay more attention to the health-seeking group by propagating the effect of tea drinking on the health of human bodies, make more high-interest group consumers like tea, and develop new instant tea products for the convenience-seeking type consumers.
    Influence of CNY Exchange Fluctuations on Tea Export of China——Positive Studies Based on Data during the Years of 1980~2010
    ZHANG Ying, TANG Yi
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  254-260.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.007
    Abstract ( 667 )   PDF (620KB) ( 217 )  
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    The exchange rate is an important lever to regulate the economy, and also is an important factor to affect the foreign trade. This paper adopted econometric models, like Co-integration relationship, Error Correction Model and Granger Cause, to analyze the influence on China’s tea export by the data of recent 30 years’ CNY exchange rate. The positive studies showed that exchange rate had negative effect on China’s tea export, and in the long-term they have co-integration. REER has stronger effects than NER on tea export, and the ECM of REER is more stable. Thus, related methods should be adopted to offset the negative impact when exchange rate fluctuates.
    Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Construction of DNA Fingerprinting with EST-SSR Markers for Improved Clonal Tea Cultivars in Yunnan Province
    LIU Ben-ying, SUN Xue-mei, LI You-yong, HUANG An-ping, WANGYun-gang, CHENG Hao, SONG Wei-xi, CHEN Lin-bo, DUAN Zhi-fen, MA Ling
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  261-268.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.011
    Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (707KB) ( 325 )  
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    Analysis of genetic diversity and construction of molecular fingerprints is very important to breed new tea cultivars and identify new varieties, cultivars authenticity and seedings purity. Twenty-two EST-SSR primer pairs with better polymorphism in this study were used to research the genetic diversity and DNA fingerprinting of 28 tea cultivars. A total of 56 putative alleles were generated with a mean of 2.55 for putative alleles per locus. Totally 97 genotypes were detected in all materials with a mean of 4.41 for each polymorphism primer pairs. The polymorphism information content (PIC) varied from 0.279 to 0.709, with a higher average of 0.527. These results showed a high level polymorphism in SSR markers. The genetic similarity coefficient among 28 tea cultivars ranged from 0.642 to 0.973 with an average of 0.797, suggesting that the tea cultivars used in the experiment possessed a low level polymorphism and a narrow genetic variation. The EST-SSR alleles were determined for bands size (bp) and scored as present (1) or absent (0). According to the genotypes code rule, the 1 and 0 results which one pair of SSR primers amplified in a cultivar could be converted to genotypes code following their fragment size. The results proved that it is a very useful tool for discriminating tea cultivar, and all accessions could be discriminated from a set of molecular fingerprints.
    Construction and Expression of Fusion Protein Eukaryotic Expression Vector of Polyphenol Oxidase Gene of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)
    WANG Nai-dong, ZHANG Li-xia, HUANG Xiao-qin, HAN Xiao-yang, LI Zhi
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  269-275.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.012
    Abstract ( 537 )   PDF (652KB) ( 392 )  
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    The polyphenol oxidase (PPO) cds sequence was amplified by PCR from the genome of Yingshuang tea plant with the high fidelity polymerase pfu. The cds sequence was recombinanted into the eukaryotic expression vector pPICZa with the designed primer, and the fusion protein eukaryotic expression vector of tea polyphenol oxidase “pPICZa-PPO” was succeeded to be constructed, and then it was transformed into Pichia pastoris GS115. Therefore, several positive converters were screened. After those positive converters were induced by methanol,the target protein was successfully detected in the culture medium by using Western-Blotting method. The detection result of enzyme activity showed that the induced products had a relatively high enzyme activity and can correctly play their biological activity.
    Analysis of Caffeine Content and Molecular Variance of Low-caffeine Tea Plants
    WANG Xue-min, YAO Ming-zhe, JIN Ji-qiang, MA Chun-lei, CHEN Liang
    Journal of Tea Science. 2012, 32(3):  276-282.  doi:10.13305/j.cnki.jts.2012.03.013
    Abstract ( 500 )   PDF (701KB) ( 339 )  
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    The caffeine content of 60 individuals of a low-caffeine population of tea plant was analyzed using HPLC and the molecular variance was studied using 42 EST-SSR markers, respectively. The results showed that the caffeine content of fresh weight ranged from 0.38% to 1.08%. Five individuals had lower caffeine content than female parent, and they can be used as breeding materials for further screening low-caffeine tea cultivars. One hundred and twenty-nine alleles were detected, each pair of primers could detect 2 to 7 alleles, an average of 3.86. The average number of Shannon-Weaver index (I) was 0.65. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of EST-SSR markers varied from 0.03 to 0.68, with average of 0.33. Three SSR markers, TM089, TM200 and TM211, related to variation of caffeine content were preliminary identified. It would be of important significance for screening excellent genetic resources and breeding new low-caffeine tea cultivars.